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The Billionaire's Fashion Designer

The Billionaire's Fashion Designer

Author: dammydimples
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Chapter 1 Worst Night

Word Count: 1092    |    Released on: 27/04/2024

ation that determines the string life of a soul, the only soun

the surgeon in a

lter, the lines on the screen showing Hamilton's heart ebbing away. The surgical team responded by applying pr

me men could be seen scurrying to and fro, a

tion to her, her bandaged head hurt, she had run away from the nurse attending to her to search for her parents and seeing her family here, including

ly members, and she would fight with her husband countless times that he should leave them, It always made her think they were bad people but looking at them now

eam came out, all of them jumped on their feet upon

risse later got to know his nam

hem, " Mr Hamilton was a strong m

She asked but nobody answered her

tell us how it wen

we lost him", h

dead and you couldn't save

red their sincere apology and

rief. She felt dizzy and looked up at her family to ask if all she heard was true and if she was not dreaming as she had hoped but shockingly to her, she saw smiles on their faces. Smiles and not grief and the truth hit her, she was now all alone, they were not family, th

ying? At least prete

r the sake of the little g

happy I am that that idiot is gone, now all share

he world point fingers at us", P

ing to do about her", Ferdinand asked poin

Patricia quickly said getting a

are you

her's daughter so of course

an't", Fer

there's anybody else who's willing to take the responsibility",

nked his hand free from Patricia, looking so angry

ibility f

confused, "You just said we s

or her, have you thought of her parents' properties

at she was and shoo

nd intelligent woman, I


d to the girl, "Hey... what's her nam

r's daughter's name", she chuckled an

like I

k it's C


nderstood why her mum hated them so much and she wished a stranger somewhere

s in her eyes and mucus coming out of her nose,

n't realize it was a question of the beginning of her life of mystery and suffering, it was the question of the beginning

t was, it was a question that questioned if this l

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