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Chapter 4 Just dessert

Word Count: 1259    |    Released on: 28/04/2024

ne of my other guests saw him pull you into his room. Please, come with m

to go to bed and forget this ever happened.” I tried to smile a

insist, Kitty

out of my room. She was speaking in a loud tone. No

Toward the clinic that was close to the pack house.

tled on me. I started to struggle.

obbed. Desperately. K

I was handed over to the guards whi

myself fly through the air as one of the

I didn’t know what was h

d not long ago been assa

serve this?” I spoke. Frantically tr

Katrina sneered throug

nd what do you do? You attack him! That’s what you do. You can’t even g

little speech, Kat

fused. Then it hit me. L

do you hate me so much, Katrina. We used to be a family.

l. There was nothing in that look that held any r

ar her say to the guards, something about soap and water. I couldn’t r

e cell and sunk down, tuck

and quell my tears I thought b

lived in the pack house, there was always a certain level of noise. But that night,

t on patrol with the border guards. I remember once going to the kitchen to get a glass of water after I had been sent to bed. Katrina started shouting at me. Scaring me, so I ran back to m

screaming out my father's name. I remember the chill that worked it’s way up my spine. I walked out of my room and stood by the top of the stairs. I remember lo

rmly by the shoulders, Simon took me back to my room “Stay in here, Pumpkin. Don’t come out. Ok. Whatever you hear. I w

a light tapping on my door. I leapt off my bed and wrenched the door

area of the apartment. I sat down on one of the sofas. Waiting. Katrina

lso been crying. I started to g

next to me. He places a gentle arm about my t

id was “You te

ed at her then said in a voice so gentle I could barely hear it “Pumpkin, some

on, my father is, ok? Wh

but Simon gently

our Alpha. He did not survive the att

ber the hustle and bustle of my training starting. Of b

o I would be ready to take over, became paramount to Simon a

reverie by something b

and soap. That had been placed in the cell too. I must have been

stead of the guard, I saw Paul. He wore such an expression on smugness.

the cell door and stepped inside, followed by two of the

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