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Reading History

Chapter 4 His classroom

Word Count: 1794    |    Released on: 21/04/2024


versity, I don't know if his parents left him a lo

iately greeted by the nursing students who

I immediately knocked on the do

round?" he asked as he arranged his equipment on his de

elieve this, I saw Harmony earlier." my

ho saved me the oth

ou meet?" he asked so

got hungry and looked for food t

rgers are delicious." I said

I saw her name in my nursing studen

I ask

Harmony." he said

No wonder she gave me first aid befor

changed him and until now, I thought when I heard his name it was just familiar or a nickn

because otherwise he won't be able

ork?" it asked s

wer and he just played with the ballpoint pen i


when I saw a familiar man get out of a car. "What's the

closed." I said softly be

This sarcastic que

olitely, then grabbed my apron and b

t here

ou here?"

ty for a month, Miss Infantes

that? You're a stalker

pretty." he said and I bit my lip

rry!" I said as I took off my slippers

, Miss Infantes." he said so I became silen

why you?"

m?" this question made

here? Are you going to

t go in yet, you will definitely not be able to graduate and you'll have to repeat it f

ore." I said here a

u won't want to, haven't you thought about your few

n is just what I pay for my rent

ffer to you last time if you really

it's very difficult because of the tuition fees t

you to answer it, if you're struggling with tuitio

'Abot kamay na pangara' my braincell can't handle the qualifications that ar

e here, just to inform you if you ever cha

o I just sat down on the chair that


rother immediately greete

other?" he asked me whi

ier, so you have no welcome." I said leaving him f

me other kids." he said so I sat down and p

e because your sick, how many times should I say t

of them, I saw them running with their other friends

ing to me. When it's good I will go with you at

other?" he ask

ng but I immediately reprimanded

" I said here and

im. Our parents are in Dubai right now and fixing their bus

ytic leukemia can be a long road, although the first months are the most intense for her and there is nothing I can do but accompany her but as

k out my phone to call Zach but I saw the woman's contact number right away, I still had her phone number, and I wanted

e will not continue her studies, she's not bright as I expected but she's good


t to Zach's number, he ca

y talked?" this question immedi

Just askin

anymore." I answered wh

at is her reason?" it aske

don't care." I said

t but I heard my phone ring,

hone but was sur

ntes call

d, and immediate

e in, huh?" I asked seriously but my forehead furro

s Infantes?

t can you pick me up?" he said softly

ld I pick yo

he said then the call suddenly ended, I tried

and saw that he was somewhere in Las Pinas, which made me frown

shirt back on and too

you going?"

ehave here okay." I said and

diately connected to m

hink of her crying earlier on the cellphon

as Harmony but it was Zach. "

e said sniffing a

drunk?" I

" it said

facing my two hard liqours

tside? I heard so

while honking because I was s

g to pick up Harmony, why?" this

o don't give a meani

g. "Why are you going t

d I don't know, she

you? I'll follow bro." h


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