img The Vampire's Lycan mate.  /  Chapter 5 Blood Lust | 16.67%
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Chapter 5 Blood Lust

Word Count: 1072    |    Released on: 15/04/2024

the house with a dozen bloodsuckers hissing and baring their fangs. The

o know when you're outnumbered and outmatched,” Larry his

else Lord Duncan will have your head,” Larry instructed, giving a signal, and the blo

his shoulders and increased his speed, making Clarissa and Gigi follow suit. Behind them, bloods

we were safe here,” Clarissa whined, but she increase

followed your scent. They came for you,” Gigi screamed as she de

they come for me?” Clarissa yelled back at Gigi whi

open it when the door was splintered open as three vampires wal

usly at the surrounding vampires. He stood in front of the girls protec

d,” Larry strutted calmly towards them, and the bloodsu

outing from his skin as his claws ejected and his fangs shot out. He wa

n we could simply have a conversation,” Larry drawled as he made

rtable and raised his

, coyote,” he said, glar

stunned as she turn

You betrayed us?” Clarissa asked with

eliver you to him. Of course, I refused which is why he's here ri

at you want with her, but you’ll have to get through me first,” Gigi grow

another, and slowly that rivalry had built up to something akin to hatred—at least that was what Clarissa thought. Seeing her half-sister defend he

ed so hard he began to cough, much

don’t give us what we want. Hand over the girl, and we will leave quietly,” Larry said with a terrifying s

ad body,” Malcolm growled heatedly, his wolf pr

k of fury gradually formin

e person? Alright, suit yourself,” Larry shrugged before pointin

e command, the hous

ments, he shifted into a large furry Lycan standing on its hind legs, his claws grew and became razor-shar

, but what she lost in strength, she made up for in speed and agility. She wafted through the

ey used their strength to crush and tear th

u pathetic dogs,” Larry laughed reckless

Co began to get weary with each wound inflicted on them. After an hour of fi

He glanced at Gigi and Clarissa, and he saw they could barely hang on

he’s the leader. They’ll let us go if I take him host

rough the vampires, making his way to Larr

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