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Reading History


Word Count: 2253    |    Released on: 04/04/2024

. no Sophi

low that" Lucas said as he r

?" I asked him angrily an

a demon territory, if my people stepping into your space

essarily dramatic" I said and

I tell my people that you ar

everyone deserves, I was rejected by the alpha and I can't shift. Everyone mocks me, I'm a broken werewolf , what is the use of being in a place where I feel invisible and

will make me allow you to stay in my territory.Your presence in my territory is a danger to my people, if your people finds out that

ed omega who nobody values . I am only loved by three people and th

ht realize. But our laws and traditions are de

Why can't you make an exception, just this once? I promise I

ecision. "It's not that I don't want to help you," he explained, "but if I were to break

ressed on" so there's no way you ca

tion that you persuade my personal adviser to stay, "I'll arrange a meeting with Arion. But I must

determination renewed. "Thank you, Lucas. I'll do whatever

s been by my side for as long as I can remember and i may not be a werewolf but I have studied them for too long to unde

her" I said as I s

preciate to lead you to her" he said a

e, noticing her nervous expression. "You have a fu

he distraction. "It's just nerves," sh

dor. Sophie's eyes wandered, noticing several empty frames hanging on

frames on the walls?"

the pictures in those frames," he explained, "because they depict the true forms of the

by a group of demon maidens who stopped to greet Lucas. They

said, her voice tinged with surprise. "Who is t

ood afternoon, ladies," he greeted, his voice calm and composed. "This

th determination. "I'm here because I need help," she said, her voice steady despite her

her pack, who have treated her unfairly," he explained, addressing the maidens' unspoken question

ppeased for the time being. "Well, if you say she's trustworthy, then we trust you

their acceptance, however reluctant it m

d of the corridor a door opened and we both walked in, the sudden change in light caused me to squint m


of the dead" Lucas say

m of

cting to see dry bones

aybe"i conc

realms of the dead b

lace is so beautiful for the name " I

the hall's name. "I know it may seem contradictory," he began, his voice soft and

ransformation. This hall serves as a sanctuary where we honor and remember those

ile the name may sound ominous, the Realms of the Dead is a place of reve

he considered his explanation. "That's a beautiful way to hon

Sophie. Our traditions may be different from yours,

h flowing grey hair approached them. She was dressed in a gown that made her look like a goddess

ur territory?" she demanded, h

d girl. "Arion, please," he began, "this is Sophie.

e?" she spat, her voice dripping with disdain. "You bring a werewolf into the Realms

est as she tried to find the words to introduce herself. Stammering, s

y communicated for her to remain silent. Turning his atten

mly, "but Sophie is not a threat. She's seeking a f

tterness. "Hi, Sophie?" she sneered, her voice dripping with venom. "Your p

osphere in the Realms of the Dead grew tense, the air thick with hostility.

self between Sophie and Arion. "Enough, Arion!" he shouted, his

g to back down. "She deserves to pay for what her kind has done," she s

r veins as she looked at Arion's determined expression. Lucas's prote

stand your anger, but taking it out on Sophie will not bring back ou

mering beneath the surface. "I still have every intentio

, his posture authoritative. "Arion, I am the king," he declared lou

rudging respect in her eyes. "Oh, great king, what's your wis

ure as he responded, "Give Sophie a chance to st

eminded Lucas of the past. "The werewolf killed your father," she

ice low and menacing, he responded, "If you ever mention my father's d

t between Arion and Lucas, felt compelled to interv

heir heated expressions softening slightly as th

ger subsiding as she addressed L

leasing arion's hand, his eyes still f

up, "I'm sorry," she said, her voice filled with remorse. "This is

he nodded in agreement. "Damn you are f*cki

phie. "This is Sophie," he began, his tone slightly formal

introduction unusual. "Rejected by her pack?" she

"She wants to stay with us," he explaine

sing her carefully. "What's the name o

ment before replying, "Ly

shook her head firmly. "You can't sta

ash over her, but she quickly followed

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