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Chapter 2 At School our exam

Word Count: 1838    |    Released on: 25/03/2024


cine School. I really hurried to catch up because I

was annoyed because when I arrived here at school, our

ause I planned to eat inside the classroom but I'm saving money so I have no choice but to buy biscui

ate it slowly. I want to cry but I don't want to because there is no one to com

do some homework because I was going to stress again while eating. I opened

ted by now. I might have been studying medicine, but the course of my life changed

in elementary school, I see them on TV, they are now famous. The other one is a registered

but a good life but it's better to choose if it becomes difficult if you ask me. I don't want to be a rich perso

I have to work for my dream and I don't want to depend my life on those who took c

o see who sent the message. I smoked a cigarette first and ble

throwing it on the pavement and stomping on it. I do a lot of things to make money. I straightened mys

him JP because he is as tall as Jaxon Philip. JP is something for

nned. It's a good thing I'm still holding my cell phone so they migh

knew the answer. It's really good because when you review you can

," I informed so he took m

at it would be easier and I could prepare when I arrived at the location. Because I was busy at the

I'm not one to excel but all instruments can be played because it's jus

ng too. I got interested in instruments then because I used to

g and I used to sing when someone noticed me and it was a guy. He offered me to play piano and sing ev

y so I don't want to

them financially and when I was at sch

ey could learn. It is not possible that my talent is free because it is paid per hou

find where we can be whole. Because I found this talent when I was alone, I was sad and until my heartbeat drew a piece of bitter music so

still early. Some people are also coming but our call time is sti

d. He is our lead guitarist so I greeted him with a


've been with us," he added and

drumset because I also missed playing drums. While he was playing, I was also be

elix, on the other hand, was focused on his guitar. He stopped st

guitar is not seasoned

too lazy to di

e actually asked me. I shook

fore I went to where Dim's acoustic guitar was. Even thou

ed before

front of me and turned the adjustable mic stand so I coul

for inviting us here tonight!" I promised and Felix started playing his guitar. I

o the piece of paper and give it to me so we can sing. Thank you very m

st song is Paubaya by

I asked but all they did was shout and clap so I just sm

ing for you. Just wait for

ng to close my eyes. Even though I'm single and my heart hasn't beat yet. I can feel

it should be equal. When you get hurt, get back.

e time because it was midnight and we were done. There ar

ching. And if you ask me, it's normal for me and I'm used to smoking and drinking but I don't use illegal drugs, it's n

s no anomaly. Sometimes I'm jealous of them because they have finished their

d the system of knowledge for learning there

because that's really my dream, but it

d make it real

ed to sleep. Fortunately, my work duty at the hospital is

nd I didn't realize


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