img Hello, CEO. Don't Play with Me  /  Chapter 1 [1] | 1.23%
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Hello, CEO. Don't Play with Me

Hello, CEO. Don't Play with Me

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Chapter 1 [1]

Word Count: 1217    |    Released on: 24/02/2024

y made up, not a flaw was created there. It's like God didn't want any mistakes when sculpting

le Namiozuka. And this year is the year where t

was never far away from her. a woman who was actually beautiful but covered by a face and speech that often sound

don't know what w

ars of chocolate cookies from one of the girl's favorite bakeries. In fact, because she bought so often at the same outlet, and

glazed over as her hand gently reached for the jar Brina was holding. "Just a little.

"That little bit of yours too

iselle said in a

"That's enough. Five minutes to your session, Giselle. I'll call the MUA to check your hairdo and the

ed to look away. She didn't care if anyone was watching but it was impossible. She was in a sp


iselle has her own trauma with friendliness. Nor does she want people to know what her true nature is like

ers, she chose to recline comfortably on the sofa, waiting for her turn to show

ress." She massaged her t

randomly. Until the cell phone vibrates where it displays one message, incoming. Making his

the message. And she regretted opening that message so much.

erase it from her memory. Whatever activities she did in there, complete with the g

as dared to ex

held her cell phone. Shortly after


this g



was ragged. Her hands were still shaking. Her eyes were also not very focused on

heastern part of the state are very beautiful. It fits perfectly with the theme of th

ed. Not that he didn't trust Giselle's way of working, not

le. That show you did three months ago was a real attention-grabber. And be

n she considered to be her angel without wings, she ne

table. There were mostly no gaps but as someone who had the final say on

gaze intently. "Tell me. If you want anything befo

asked Giselle wi

t to stroke the top of Giselle's head. "You know I'm busy, right? Y

you accompanied me to a photo shoot. Yo

y have a lot on my plate. You'll get th

understand that a man like Justin was not someone who could relax easily. Especiall

time comes, let's take

curves of her outfit. As well as highlighting some of the important parts in Justin's design. And thank God, there were no p

ing like this

damaged because Giselle threw the bag with full force. It even caused one of the displays to fall over and crack. Gis

the end of the phone. Soon,

do you

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