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The Mafia King's Lethal Obsession

The Mafia King's Lethal Obsession

Author: Mirah Selim
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Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 1487    |    Released on: 21/02/2024


out thoroughly before a small smile appeared on his lips

m after seeing this aesthetic piece with no competition at all.” He said feel

of his workers standing behind him was holding a box in his hand whi

eyes at the na

es turned to the worker. His smile widened as a dark look started appearing

rker and grabbed the watch fr

wasting a second. As soon as his eyes met the dark devil

him chuckled showing his perfect teeth. He pulled a gun out of

ng for mercy. He knew that his ma

with an excited grin. The poor man on his kn

ase forgive me.” Devil chuck

that, his face turned deadly serious as the smile left his lips

look at him with a trembling gaze. His eyes wer

the wardrobe but suddenly stopped. Other workers were about to sigh in

smiled at his workers befor

” He said making everyone fall on their knees loudly denying. T

making everyone sigh in relief even though their bodies didn’t st

loves praising himself and having power in his hands. He loves having

naire as well. Whenever he destroys someone’s business or is planning to do som

bowed at his boss after all it’s the main rule

the dead body and blood all over the place. He didn’t give a single fuck about

d a wide smile of satisfa

, these shoes have his blood burn them too.” The

orphans with no family behind who wanted to run away from poverty. And they know one mistake can send them to hell but also one good job

his bloody world a secret. He is only famous for being a billionaire a

hey know better to sign their lives to this devil like a man. They only want his

eing a toy in his hands again and again. No matter how many scars he leaves on her skin.

better than her he will throw her out and she will be helpless to do anything. But ev


at the woman in front of her. She jus

u kept on poking your nose in her matter.” The woman scoffed before walki

u for the past 6 years. That woman is stuck in that bed eating the money that you are supposed to give me.” The girl to

ood and also the electricity and gas I use. So don’t you dare to say you took care of me when it’s me. Ju

ys behind her tail just let her be.” The ol

o.” Her aunt looked at

y and I will protect you whenever I could.”

man in this house

st 6 years when she lost her father in a car accident and her mother went to a

s wife against her will. She never let a chance to insult Ha

so. Being only 21 she has done more jobs than any girl could do in her age.

e done. Her aunt is like a pillar who had let her rest her back aga

hing but a normal life with fewer hardships. And the other wh

f heaven? Or he’s more eager to mak


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