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Chapter 3 3.

Word Count: 1341    |    Released on: 30/01/2024


lared himself in love with me and I freaked out, I didn't even have time to say anything because the son of a bitch took my mouth in a kiss, and yes, I returned the kiss, but when w

lars on that shit, I thought he wouldn

ssed me because he had a bet with his friends and wh

hey could hurt others with simple words and stupid jokes like that, I know they wouldn't do i

was tired. What nobody knows is that that night I went to the fridge and couldn't eat anything, I just looked at the food I liked so much and all I c

me with desire, the idiots from college who had belittled me so much wanted to be with me, and even that asshole Ethan was after me, I was the same person, with the same values and the same thoughts, but just because I had a different body I was seen as someone

the prestigious businessman that he is, has many friends. At a business dinner, a good friend of his sa

series, movies and even soap operas that you like? At the time I still wanted to lose 5 kilos to get the body I wanted and I started going to the gym that Stephan went to, we started having lunch together and going o

, after all, what man nowadays goes to a girl's family home to ask her

r relationship began, Stephan was always very restrained, and when I say always, I mean always, we barely kissed properly and he never gave me a blowjob, and yes, I was dying to do somet

strange, but I didn't dare to say it, and because he was my first boyfriend I settled for the situation, six months into our

, out of respect for my family, preferred to wait until we had

was very long, we both slept on the plane and arrived in Italy as the day was brightening up, we went to the hotel and when we were fin

o the bathroom and said I was going to take a shower, I hoped that he would burst into the bathr

eed anything else to get in the way... when I went into the bedroom, he had turned off all the lights leaving only one lamp on, I walked over to the bed and crawle

more, and I was already feeling pricks in my soaked sex, so he stopped running his hands over my body, held his erection by putting a condom on it and spread my legs, slowly he entered my sex and I felt a pain right away, Stephan stood still, took his member out and put it in again and did it over and over



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