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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1530    |    Released on: 22/01/2024


pect in this dismal situation. Whenever I entered their rooms, they demanded that I be calm and orderly, showing no mercy. My brother Derek, who insisted on being cal

urge to run away, I reluctantly acknowledged that I had nowhere to go. However, the yea

oods, where my parents had abandoned

f how King Valdo discovered me as

him early that day. Although I knew what he desired from me, a sli

hrough baby doll. I could hardly believe it. Was this some sick, twisted gift for my birthday? I firmly declined to put it on, refusing to

a potential object of desire. The thought disgusted me, and I knew I had to stand up to him, not just for myself but

However, his smile sent a chill down my spine. Something about it felt off, as if a different person had taken control of his body. He rose fro

r consuming me. “What is this all about?” I mana

voice, though pleasant, seemed foreign, as if an imposter had replaced him. “Today is your birthday,” he ex

n’t allow myself to be fooled by his sudden change in demeanor. I had made up my mind – there

be subjected to such humiliation. With a firm voice, I declared, “I refuse to put

, clearly amused by my assertiveness. “

attention. “First,” I began in a harsh tone, “put an end to calli

him to let me finish. “Secondly,” I continued, “I will not engage

“Seriously? You’re so courageous,” he remarked

crossing my arms defiantly. “And if you want to end my

how any sign of fear or weakness. In that moment,

his brows. “Are you running a fever or something? Whoever told

say,” I countered, my voice steady. “I know the truth, and I will not

the wall and causing a sharp pain to shoot through my skull. As I cru

myself to stay calm, and gently massaged my throbbing face before it erupted into hysterical la

m, my heart pounding in my chest. I ran with all my might, every step fuelled by the knowledge tha

andonment, would not stand for the king and his brother using me as a pawn. They saw me as a cherished younger sister, especially to the other kingdoms. I once held the sta

the enveloping darkness, the same forest that I had traversed to reach this place. My body ached, and

stion, pretending to be too tired to continue. Deep within me, though, a flame still burned, fueling my

scent that stirred something within me, urging me to open my eyes. As I slowly regained consciousness, I

accept me? Was he the king my late adoptive father had spoken about, the one who held the fate of

I was. But amidst their hesitation, I noticed that he stood apart from them. As I rose to my feet, a collect

my destined mate. The way he looked at me spoke volumes - he knew, just as I did. Our

oned me forth, he spoke in

on my lips as I re

is head shook in disbelief. “No,” he uttered,

the beginning of a new chapter in my life. With him by my side, the designated

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