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Chapter 3 The promise with the devil - Part 2

Word Count: 909    |    Released on: 10/01/2024

ain by Aretha who squeezed his cheeks for leaving

Today will be the celebration of the queen’s royal birthday an

h-value honor, but


know how Aretha had managed to convince him parent

n’t say anything against him at

e keys was one of the few things that comforted him. The music was something so clear a

arted. The harmony was perfect, it’s like it was just him and the music.

d Aretha stood up and held hands bowed in gratitude. Luke sighed

nk and praise them. Right behind her

vest and white cape with golden details. He gave a gentle smile to the

d. He bowed properly befo

or helping me the night before. My fami

at kind of prince would I be if

ause it was he who made him faint. And Artanis threatened him not to speak. The

ng to the conversations and watching the shows. Until something caught h

the true face of the prince and of course,

ptures of bushes in the palace garden. He couldn

ween the bride and groom, they didn’t ev

- Luke

ster walks away and l

lowed. There was still a

en, amidst a maze of roses, the p

me, Luke Willians. Did yo

angry a

vil magic to erase me. And you still lied

ous look appeared. There he was,

here, right? She told me she didn’t really want to get married, b

as he knew, the prince wouldn’t let it go cheap. After

of a solution. That can sa

ted about the

s it?" - As

causing Luke to lean h

l be free and alive to live her life as a cartographe

do yo

of Aretha? But he had nothing special. He should thank you for se

u will marry me. So she won’t ha

kill her first. Why is

e smiled

t, puppy. So, do you acce

ore confused. However, there was the certa

y you, Prince Ar

e engaged, L

his, and this time, Luke felt the blood fl

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