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Chapter 2 The tattoo.

Word Count: 2007    |    Released on: 05/04/2024


nd to her. She looked for ways to make life difficult for her. Areya at sixteen almost seventeen her fathe

ealing. Areya wants to go to Damingos so she can be a healer. It's what she want and not marriage. If she must marry it must be with one she l

, she would seek to be a healer. Healing comes to her naturally, she knows what an herb doe

other girls her age and her stepmother Portiya calls her an evil wit

ould make her work and clean like the servant, she couldn't turn her into a fu

e worked in farms together with her dog; Gallant, who she loved so much. Gallant ancestors have always been in her family and worked the Fields with them. Gallant is

ce offering. Her Portiya was overjoyed to volunteer with her. Hazirahs are subjects and objects to the king, they are in the king's service as long as he pleases, they cant be seen or

said the day the matter was discussed. Areya didn't want to serve the king or any man that was

take her to the head of Lords, Lord Raph where they assemble all the maidens and gifts for king Lincoln. King Lincoln seeks a full control of

Lincoln had sent delegates to meet with Lords to negotiate for more control, it is in this meeting at Lord Raph they hope to buy the king's favor with their homage. Areya has got from now till she get

, Rosia and their little brother Sent. She had always done her own hair, made her own bed and washed her li

e Maggie and her mother who see her like an enemy. Rosia and Sent love her , maybe they are too young to understand hate or some people are just with hate for others in them. Whether she ru

ghter. “Mag” “She would be with the king?” She asked me, Maggie is never mean to me but we are not close, but there was always hate and j

and soon suetors Will start coming for her,

she answered, adding salt to Areya’s inju

st for the bed…. No child of mine would be such an object…. You are for a prince and you will

er child and to mock her

king with some other Lords

pt it to herself, she had been labeled evil so many times to keep telling members of her household visions about them. If only she co

months old his uncle Lincoln stepped in as king awaiting when he was of age. He is twenty-four and almost of age in another three years he would be king. When he became king would he want the Greenmountains fully like his uncle desire,

made the best of farms and big trees. As he walked, suddenly he heard footsteps that began to speed up, like

eep in the woods and what was after her and her beast. Because he was fast on his feet he took the other way and intercepted them,

t off me you pork face” Areya swore and shove him off, wondering why Gallant was not braking and fighting him off her. Ant

on boy” she called to Gallant who was now maneuvering down the valley. When he was here he we

ry to regain his balanc

ast” he got down to pet him

too,” Anton resp

in trouble? Are you being chased

keep moving_ awh_” she tried to move but she got a cut on her

let me see” he be

the cut. But it wasn't the cut that caught his eyes for it wasn't that deep it was the beautiful tatto

e” a voice identical to his voice spoke

ar that?” He

get away from him before the guards got here, if

t is” he ordered, and looked again

ed-haired girl’s voice spoke. “What did you say?”

your dirty,

tant he said little sun, she saw them kissing naked in

looking into his eyes, and it was the same brown eyes she sees in her dreams.same brunette hair n

enough. Areya didn't hear them call as she stared into

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