img Sold To The Alpha Kings  /  Chapter 1 Prologue (Book 1-The Lost Princess) | 8.33%
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Sold To The Alpha Kings

Sold To The Alpha Kings

Author: Anamika Ana
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Chapter 1 Prologue (Book 1-The Lost Princess)

Word Count: 1050    |    Released on: 14/12/2023


ase....I can't...

unbearable for my body. But Master Nicolas always took me rough and hard. His obsession gre

s, burning my skin and finall


Even though I was born as an Omega princess, my body couldn't take everything that the Alpha king, Nicolas Iglesias offered

d price. I was only thirteen back then and knew nothing of this slave tradition until I turned eighteen. The Alpha king bedded everyon

ut a loud moan, my blonde curls bumping all the way. His wolf was too active tonight. Sometimes I really

ed after shooting his cum inside me, the stickiness sprawling all across my le

ght! You are so good,

e. His straight jaw, jade black hairs and the menacing look in his eyes could capture any woman's heart. Despite our unmated relationship, my wolf liked his touch or the way he acted soft occasionally. My slave life in this castle wa

e for a while but my mind was somewhere else. After resting for

pleased with y

over my body. I gave her a wicked smile, wrap

r, Rora. However, he is too soft to do the favour for me. What's the n

my father's kingdom didn't know that I was the actual princess. Rora's big sister, Nora took everything for me that very night. They raped her and

the most innocent creatures. But at night, we returned to ourselves just like a ma

his plans have failed, he wants to use a woman to send Vincenzo's bed. More li

more and more powerful than Nicolas. Among werewolves, Lycans were the best ones and were more powerful than average werewolves. Their Lycan King

ds excitedly, my hear

use both Nicolas and Vincenzo if I go there as his spy. Te

ried look, her voice

esides, King Vincenzo is much more cruel than any other Lycans in the world. How are you so sure tha

my pregnant sister-in-law, the hanging body of my mother. I stopped crying ever since I vowed to avenge a

enge, I won't regret it. Give my name to the head beta. I want to go th

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