img My Stepson Is My Mate  /  Chapter 5 An arrogant stepson | 100.00%
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Chapter 5 An arrogant stepson

Word Count: 1730    |    Released on: 28/11/2023

wn, I was putting on, was

one of victory. Compared to me

ced that Gordon's car wasn't i

my dress got to be this dishevelled. I hope I won't get to meet

ouse. As there was no one in the parlour, it made me

airs, he came out from the kitchen, with his mou

he found the s


k in my dish

It turned from brown to pure gold. However, w

that I ima

owed my bro

u smell like blood?” He scrunched his nose as

siness!” I turned and hurried

melt like blood when there weren't any signs on me. But for now, I need to

ormally have dinner. I just hope

with, and had a hot bath, to wash

wed it I had been in the bathr


rtunate to meet t

ion in the mirror on

it. I ran a hand through them, with a smile on my face. My

oughts. I immediately left my room and rushed do

my steps, and I found my but


at him, ex

the movies always portray? My arse wou

once-over. I can see the disgust written on his fac

adows made me gasp. It was as if he w

ee those fantastic abs? They make me want to

to help you up?” He scoffed. “I can never stai

led off, embarrassed by

ioned the kit

r, whore?” He smirked as he

en my pussy

id?” He chuckled as his eyes racked through my body, making it seem like I

I tried not to stare hard at him. “I'm not a whore,”

o was it that moaned when I finger fucked her pussy? Weren'

gged my fin

opened, and Gor

squinted, "what are you guys doing?” H

,” I nervously chuckled. “He's a good boy. Who wou

y lying. Who would have thought t

isgusted, “In your dreams, bitch!” He

e a good stepmother —not that I'm going to

th you?” Gordon closed

could touch me, I

ek of alcohol,” I s

atred for alcohol. I can't stand the sten

a bath then," he turned and headed upstairs, while I went

ays did, but I asked him to leave everything to me. I wanted t

s. The least I can do is give them en

r is r

ough with dishing it out. I made certain

mate.' Chels chuckled. 'You didn't s

the t


s Gordon's son. I have no ulter

me? Just because he's muscular doesn't mean

now you are doing this because you fancy him. You


hen I noticed Gordon leaning o

furrowed his brows with his he

orced a smile. “Come, the food is going to get cold if you

mells as amazing as ever!" His eyes cr

od at what I do," I winked at

on murmured as he wa

than ever. He looked infuriated. And when I say mad

? Throw me out of your house for her sake?” He gave me

p, steady breath. “It's alright. You can do whatever you want.” He strode

a hidden meaning to the words. His to

trying to act like a pathetic maid? That's extra, even for you

You can speak to me anyhow you like, but you

ur bed at night? Tell me,

, Gordon was already

ed in su

he manage to be t

stion what I saw, I found m

don't have to take all his words to heart

.” He murmured before he let go of his ho

turned to face his son, who was still

“how can you claim I'm just a

in front of his father. I turned towards Gordon, to k


d and headed towards

wled. “If you dare t

o longer the little boy I once was. I'm back for to stay.” With a pointed glare

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