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Chapter 4 Chase

Word Count: 2158    |    Released on: 23/11/2023

ER 4:


y attention back to my laptop and continu

ial media accounts or to my friends’. There are some photos that I know wer

nother one took at the Venice Grand Canal in Italy. There is also a phot

nd. They are inside a fine dining restaurant. Both of them

o angry at Dennise. Just one look at the photo and I can say that he is very in love with her, i

back to my mind. His eyes were bloodshot. He looked at me earl

ad happened that made him

online on her account. However, she has no a

indi ko kasi ‘to madidiscuss through chat eh. Very important matter kasi. T

se. Like earlier, every photo of her does not have a link or account to go to. Eve

ached the bottom of the page but I s

think that finding information a

t think I can do it. Besides, the old man with her in the photo Yvette sent to the group chat l

eone is calling me on my phone. I grabbed it and saw Yv

te!” I gr

sorry, hindi ko agad nakita ‘yung chat mo. I was busy declut

cting it to my phone. “Nag-usap kami ni Althea kanina. She told me about the pho

though? Nakalimutan ko na kasi ang dami kong si-nend nu

said. Yvette really loves t

looks like me. Do you rem

’t forget that. I still get chills

wed. “Why do you

st approached, thinking she was you,” she said while ra

. She’s such a bitch,” she added t

that? Did she do

‘bitch’. My friend is not the type of person who will d

even have a direct interaction with her but her actions towards other people

g me about what ha

tually, it was not me who first noticed her but my mom. My mom said ‘oh, is that Lia?’ And I looked on the wom

rds you when this woman suddenly shouted ‘Idiota!’. You can’t imagine how sh

I haven’t heard you say that,” she moves her pointing fingers

e, her head followed the movement of her hand. “So

ust because the child is runn

ir eyeballs when I hear

st ‘woosh’ like throw those paper bags to her bodyguards and get angry wh

r things fell on the floor, then hand it to your bodyguard prope

her. “Oh, my god. I didn’t expect to he

as bitch as well!” She is still

nd I mean, like a damn shit creature! Bagay silang dalawa. Parehong anak ni

e name of the ma

an. I’m sure that there will be information about

d. She started flicking her fingers repeatedly,

laimed. “Alejandro! The

f Dennise in my notebook. “Do you know his

r. I didn’t hear anyone call him

d wrote series of

ey vacation,” she asked me. Knowing Yvette, she will not end thi

think that those two people ar

s. I started telling her about what happened to me. E

’t even have an ex-boyf

e me! He said I was just making things up so I can r

they know something about the old man. But I don’t think I c


looks like you, means that they don’t know that Dennise exists. That woman must have been l

n get information about the old man. I can find

wers from my grandparents. I will also try to ask so

her. “Thank


ith each other. I stretched my back and was about

g my nape. I was about to open the door when a s

iar men outside my hotel room, one of t

Did they follow me? Did someone

h my confusion and panicking a

I need to calm down,” I

ng my things. I put my gadgets, money, cards, clothes, and other essential items i

d that they were hitting the door with something. I climbed

rom the stairs, I heard a loud bang from my hotel room. I almost jumped

lready near the ground

to run when I heard a c

again, D

t now, he is with two other men. All of them are weari

said and the two othe

n and ran away. I can hear several footsteps following me. I didn’t look back

ady nearing dusk, and a lot of people are walki

I’m not dumb. I know that they are also looking for me. I know that I

nnouncing that the train would leave soon, so I ran faster. I got my ticket in

t is already closing. When I look back, I saw the men who are chasing me

tick out my tongue at him and ma

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