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Chapter 5 Elena's POV

Word Count: 1114    |    Released on: 13/11/2023

myself to my father, I was not able to take an extremely active part in his business. My father's company which I was in charge of never really seemed to

d say I found myself hating it sometimes, but who would have thought that the building I hated s

ceived a call from Jason, my personal secretary and my best friend, also known as, my portable schedule t

morning" I greet

lena. I have go

ood news, especially in this period when we lo

elevator and entered. Immediately my two bodygua

he's waiting in the secret conferenc

problem he has potentially put on our family. I put my hand on my mouth to prevent myself from laughing as I ima

of my bodyguards, the one closer to the elevator but

on. It activated a rectnal scan which he used to reveal an

mile planted on his face as he watched me walk towards him with an aura if confidence. Standing beside him was Andrew, my cousin the infamous black sheep of the Morallis

ason said when I had

uggled to get to where I was currently in the Morallis Family. An opportunity to

w said, aiming to r

he look on Andrew's face was priceless when he saw me walk confidently. Sitti

usual chair, an air of i

ndfold and free

with a captivating face. It was a shame he was from an enemy family. I had to admit, he

but when I talked to him.He let out a laugh despite how bad he looked: his hair wa

hair and tried to search for my father with his

own and listen to me" I adm

was staring at someone be

be joking"

ap his handsome face. He had

e to look for a way to solve this issue before it turn

grily. "Don't you dare try to come at me with your crap about solving my issues. I

n my face which I left blank of any emotion. I had heard that if Noah detects even a tiny pinch of feeling from

isten to me" I said, my voic

e guard to pass me my purse. I took out my gun, stood up and shot at Noah's leg, causing him to get a fle

our attention, I w

blood leaving his body. I began to regret taking that drastic decision earlier

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