img How to Hide the Mafia Boss' Child  /  Chapter 6 6 | 8.70%
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Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 1255    |    Released on: 19/09/2023


ago. The apprentices seemed to be having an intelligence test of some sort. Co

wed their heads when t

id, making them r

apprentices, Don?” Andrea asked,

d. “It’s alright. I

r head and to

shouted, capturing my attentio

pprentices usually take a much longer time

oman. She stood up from her seat and calmly walked to the back of the training grounds. Ther

o myself as

ered under my breath

towards my way. “Wha

othing. It’s just interesting that s

d that the two of them were siblings. I found out about th

aid. “She even

I agreed, catching a gl


ther. I was on my way back to the office after observing

d time that we met,

e’s Thalia. Stop calling me princess. A

her snarky remark.

nt—how I interact with this girl. Usually, I wouldn’t bat an eye at someone I had just met,

going now. I’m not even goi

end our conversation just yet, so I he

is it with you and grabbing

chless. It seems like my instincts just kicked in when

step back. “So, you completed t

head. “I broke the highest record f

, you did not, princess. There’s

cord?” sh

ser to her. She took a s

spluttered, her eyes wande

idn’t beat m

ooked at me with her mouth agape. For t

covered from her shock. “

one to take the test, I wanted to

me to tell her a




on the bed wi

you so down again? Shouldn’t you be jumping in joy sinc

ing. I just met that a

yingly hot guy that yo

ded m


till an

d h

u—that doesn’t matter. My day

still beating out of my chest. When he advanced toward m

m! Let’s talk about Don Lucia

up from the bed. “The

dded h

seen him in real life. Actually, I don’t know much about their family. My father never really

een him?”

ven’t? He was there a while ago

my chance to finally meet the

ocused on that damn test. N

“At least I placed

ught I was going to pass out because of his handsomeness. How is it poss

ow a lot a

Of course! My father t

Daisy has a good relat

n’t b

Don of the Cosa Nostra, more and more threats have been coming their way. I think it’s because other clans are afraid of his potential. It’s only been four y

an impressive

ind strayed back to that high-ranking

nd you just missed th

’m sure I’ll get plenty of time to meet him

d to be one of his guards. I don’t want to e

et to choos

erything?” she asked. “We

e first time I’v

with that annoying guard that you’r

rather guard the scumbags in the organizatio

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