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Chapter 7 New Perspective

Word Count: 1822    |    Released on: 22/08/2023


ry as she proce

lp me?” she ask

the beginning, but I could find no real proof of her doing anything wrong. That was until I found her yesterday, poki


st with myself, I wanted to catch her doing something wrong because I was jealous.

to be the new leader of the Molton Fami

On more than a few occasions, I’d seen my father and Audry conversing in

gent young woman, with her whole life in front of her, joined a gang and resorted to a life of crime? I was pretty sure she even had a college degr

reat addition to our gang. She had great ideas and even I could see why my father tr

twitch. It was more than her good looks though. Whenever I was close to her, hell, even when

my fair share of women in my bed, but this connection to

. I didn’t even know who kissed who first, but it didn’t matter. That kiss changed something in me. Part of it was purely physical. That kiss with Audry had turned me o

id some

elsewhere as well. I met with my usual informant, Peaches, and she revealed she had just met Audry tha

when she mentioned the Taddeos, I knew I had to get involved. That ruthless family had always been our rival. W

he ones who shot her father. It was a win-win for me. Getting revenge on a rival mafia gang and keeping A

ut couldn’t. Yes, I did want to spend more time with her. I wanted to know why I

e got down from the counter and began to pace. What I woul

ungry?” I

estion. Then, her stomach growled a

uess I am,

s? I could

around the corner from here

h, I know the one y

partment building and walked down the sidewalk. The streets were busy which didn’t surprise

of some kind. I wanted to tell her not to be nervous. Since she was with me, she was safe. My face wa

ooth. After giving our drink order

sked in a quiet voice, aware that

it was something I always appreciated ab

ld. I don’t trust you,”

er eyebrows

hing else besides who was

that the answer was yes. Audry was

e did she

t was in her best interest to reveal wha

g. An undercover cop was killed during the shootout and the

r glass. I was shocked it didn’t


s up? They needed to pay. Instantly, I wanted revenge on t

o her burger and fries, but I didn’t touch the club sandwich in front of me. I

as you do. Now more than ever. We both want to aven


since I was born. So, for the sake of my family and discovering who killed your father, wh

it as an opportunity to prove myself to my father. I would be praised tremendou

to share the g

es and took a bite of my sandwich, but I was still too pissed to enjoy my meal. Audry f

e tab?” she asked with

l knew how to

u noticed that I’m a true g

lled h

erver came around to our table to see how we were doing, and Audry ordered an Oreo milkshake. I f

he dirty part of my mind wondered if she was into edging. If she liked to be brought to the edge of an orgasm, but not fully experienc

s a glorious sight to behold. Audry caught my staring,


t each other for a moment. I wanted to take her right here in this diner. I didn’t car

clearly trying to push

s. We couldn’t allow our attraction for eac

udry?” I asked her outright, nee

ment, then met my eyes again.

e agreed

, Audry’s hand

ing as a team wouldn

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