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Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1210    |    Released on: 11/07/2023

Julian, eagerly awaited for his return. A mix of exhaustion and excitement danced across h

Justin began, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "I got

. Sarah rushed forward, enveloping him in a tight embrace. "Oh, Jus

nd beaming with joy. "Congratulations, Justin! We k

rom the hug, her eyes searching Justin's. "That's fantastic, Justin. We're thr

bout the specifics, so he stammered, trying to come up with an answer. "Well,

released and Justin’s heart refilled with joyous emotions. Out of a sudden, Sarah's brows furrowed, her concern evident

t have all the details just yet, but the pay is really good, Mom.

know you're doing this for us, for the family. We trust your judgment, but please promise me tha

ook a deep breath, realizing that the details of the job might be

his, I remember what I have learned from you. I promise, Mom," Justin replied, his voice filled with determination. "I'll b

hey embraced once more, Justin couldn't help but feel a flicker of doubt within him. Yet, the allur

and focusing on the opportunity before him. For Justin, the details of the job were s

a bag filled with small packages, instructing him on how to approach potential custome

ranger, his face partially hidden in the shadows, wore a smirk that sent a shiver down Justin's spi

ptive charm. "Here you go, Justin. These are the products you'll be selling. Each p

Thank you," he replied, trying to steady his voice. "Could you give

ourse, Justin. It's simple, really. Just find people who might be interested in what we have to offer. Stri

him. "But what exactly are these products? I mean, I want to

say they're in high demand, Justin. People are looking for them, seeking that

aside. The promise of a stable income and his family's needs eclipsed his h

I'll do my best to highlight the benefits and offer a great customer

e no doubt you'll excel at it, Justin. Remember, confidence is key. Go

d down at the bag of small packages, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more

way, the stranger's gaze followed him, filled with a sense of satisfaction and anticipation. Unbeknownst to Justin, the path he had chosen would le

the illicit nature of his task. He genuinely believed he was selling l

in turning his family's fortune around. Little did he know that his involvement in the drug

asn't right, that the products he sold were more than they appeared. Deep down, he sensed that h

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