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Bitten by the alpha

Bitten by the alpha

Author: Ojay29
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Chapter 1 How it began

Word Count: 865    |    Released on: 16/06/2023


w Fridays are for partying, so why the sudden

l stop nagging. I just have a

said. 'This is exactly why you need

you've con

e smiled to himself, bei

y everywhere was packed was an understatement. Tim is known

through the crowd. I grabbed a drink from the counter, gulping it

cing, I made my way outside, finding the pool. I dived into the pool

her people playing cup pong. I decided to join; I mean, I'm the best.

g curiosity took over me and I followed but

ed and it was time to

hunted he was getting freaky with

he house and I saw oth

ut it was a Friday and no one was availabl

walk it’s a good

to myself,I took out my buds plugged my ears a

m trying to put you in the worst mood “-when

nued walking,I was suddenly tackled and I managed to fight the p

uch faster than me,that can’t be an ordinary wolf,I tried kicking it off but it was too late it sank his teeth deep into

ming him I was attacked,that was the la

m how did I get here the last thing I remembered was calling Sam telling him

blocks away I had to bring you back “you said you were in danger and I checked no

hands on my neck no scar,I quickly stood up dashed to the mirror and nothing w

ed at me

on drugs”,wha

mise me wouldn't y


,a wolf jumped me it bit

at me as if

initely dr


w me the

weird part,

ack to bed,you probably had a nig

sleep but I knew this wasn’t

r 30 minutes I

hed my face again and it was back to normal,I tried turning off the tap and I broke


going crazy something is

l no

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