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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 508    |    Released on: 03/06/2023

a burning sensation next to her. She shift

ome man lying beside her, their skin tou

nt before letting ou

causing the blanket to slip off her bod

eyes and spoke in a relaxe

herself up. She glared at him and asked

a smirk, "You mean to ask

ared up, "Answe

dy, "Last night, you came to me in the corridor, hugged

words, "That's nonsense! I

ms like you've already admitted

d in shock, "Could

s room when you were drunk. Even if I took advantage of you, you were the on

er teeth, "You

e who got us into this mess. So

n of her thought

tion genuinel

experiencing an ex

n't know until you tr

of shame and suddenly found

re not at peace," Damien sighed, "Don

you to take responsibility for m

s gaze fell on the bedside table, "

changed again upo

saw her identification c

entification card, wrapped herself in th

Austen?" Damien's deliber

our concern," Jan

kly and forget everything that

ry, it's entir

im and glared, "What

not say that I wouldn't hold you accountable," Damien looked at h

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