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Alpha For Him, Alpha For Her

Alpha For Him, Alpha For Her

Author: Tori Crown
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Chapter 1 Rise City

Word Count: 2108    |    Released on: 31/05/2023

f its place of rest as it spread its

stling and sounds of cars moving on the s

nsion sat proudly on the hill and everyone could see the

large building compound and the whole plac

red lady who was dressed in a tank to

th a sword but she threw the lady she was fighting a series

nough." A masculine voice yelled and the silv

an opening and pinned her to the ground but befo

h just an inch and she

s ready to pounce. As she focused on the wolf, the lady she pi

dodged the sword that was thrusted at her an

tly changed her form to that of a human and ducked, rolling on the

hurt." The silver haired lady said as she


e silver haired lady charged at the speak

ho suddenly got down on one knees and she jumped up o

hands and twisted it but she q

oved gracefully and elegantly. Her moveme

movements, standing out from

and she swiftly dodged his punches making

before she grabbed his arm and pulled him forward wh

could compose himself, she suddenly traps his arm between her l

a le

and immediately another wolf charged

ground. Her silver fur was beautiful

d pounce on each other, so

er aunt, Gione said

human form. She then stood up and waved her hands, signall

ed to her before handing her a tow

g her neck and hair which was soaked with sweat already.

called her and she stopped in her

." She bowed respect

ssion in days." Raymond, her fa

o be lagging behind today. I need more training."

here whenever her beta wasn't there. Sh

k so I don't blame you. You've been a good leader so

Rise City. She was the first ever female to ever be t

the Black Sun pack and they would stop at noth

anaging the city's affairs and your com

at job since all these days and you can't deny that either.

e the affairs of the city." Raymond

t be what you should be worried about. You know I can

the place. Raymond stopped talking when he saw his daughter sh

the wolf who shifted immedia

obe and she wore it hu

called between trying to catch h

lem?" Maya asked


eant one th

hurt?" Maya asked Phoeb

Normally, it should have healed but it was a cut fr

ed, but still, the men were able to hold them back at

dawn to go see how things were doing there and now s

mmanded in her alpha tone. Making the rest of them tr

a few minutes later and they were led by a silver wolf

ill showed. She wanted to reach the borders a

ule was that she was a caring ruler and didn't find

hey could see the whole city below them. They didn't

he pack. After an almost half an hour race, they got to the m

loth to put on. The men were immediately aware that

n respect as they saw her. Maya didn't even

me?" Maya asked the general who

ral bowed in respect before lead

animal form, glari

ded but he just snarled at her and she got hi

zing furnace by where the man was tied. She pu

o torture and punishment. They couldn't help but pit

it hit the Rogue's chest with a hard ban

his animal form to his human form. The burn m

rod to the fire. "Now tell me. The Rogues ca

ned in pain. The mark Maya inflicted on him burn

how brutal I am when torturing, young man." Maya

but if you decide to be against me and you decide death. I'll

ung it on the same wounded spot again and he let out an

er option I gave you? I'll tell you again, I am a bru

He forced out again and Maya snappe

nd dragged him along, towards the

ng with him myself." Maya warned as

wling and screaming from the house desp

ut of the room with a satisfied s

the nurse to treat him." Maya ordere

the Alpha they had. She looked sweet and innoce

it, none of them could believe what she just did. And she was e

mation out of another one if they walk close to the t

ks since I tortured someone last." Maya licke

ays ago." Phoebe recalled as May

hoebe, I have to enjoy my day

you today is the meeting with all the boards of partner

be attending the meeting myself



Chapter 1 Rise City Chapter 2 Black Sun Chapter 3 Mate Chapter 4 Searching Chapter 5 She's angry Chapter 6 Dangerous rogues
Chapter 7 Territory
Chapter 8 Alpha Roland
Chapter 9 To marry
Chapter 10 My name is Maya
Chapter 11 Claiming Alpha
Chapter 12 Family bond
Chapter 13 Alpha Roland 2
Chapter 14 Alpha and Luna
Chapter 15 Lillian
Chapter 16 Doing business
Chapter 17 Can't mate
Chapter 18 The rogues strikes
Chapter 19 Raped
Chapter 20 Tormented
Chapter 21 Rescued
Chapter 22 Angry Alpha, romantic Alpha
Chapter 23 Depressed
Chapter 24 Career woman
Chapter 25 A date end bad
Chapter 26 Sensually
Chapter 27 Like a scolding Mom
Chapter 28 A date
Chapter 29 Past experiences
Chapter 30 Rogue prince
Chapter 31 Swallowing pride
Chapter 32 Old Nemesis
Chapter 33 Work and pleasure
Chapter 34 Beloved Mate
Chapter 35 Love Making
Chapter 36 Wrong turn in love
Chapter 37 Solemnization
Chapter 38 Beta and Beta
Chapter 39 Damn mutts
Chapter 40 Playing dirty
Chapter 41 Requesting for help
Chapter 42 Pride and strange niceness
Chapter 43 A nightmare
Chapter 44 Double nightmare
Chapter 45 Misconception
Chapter 46 Let's do it
Chapter 47 Dreams and confusion
Chapter 48 The sight before Maya
Chapter 49 Pain
Chapter 50 In for a ride
Chapter 51 Ruining the show
Chapter 52 Moaning
Chapter 53 Promise of pain
Chapter 54 She's my sister
Chapter 55 Distractions
Chapter 56 Promise of
Chapter 57 Finding a way
Chapter 58 Merging proposal
Chapter 59 What happened in the past
Chapter 60 The pleasure she wants
Chapter 61 Vacation
Chapter 62 Cheating
Chapter 63 Betrayal
Chapter 64 Accepting defeat
Chapter 65 New plan
Chapter 66 Break them up
Chapter 67 Accident
Chapter 68 Tears
Chapter 69 Drunk
Chapter 70 Attacked and taken
Chapter 71 Giving in
Chapter 72 18+ 🔞
Chapter 73 The Betas
Chapter 74 Roland's Daydream
Chapter 75 Little vacation
Chapter 76 Tournament
Chapter 77 Mate.
Chapter 78 Suspicious
Chapter 79 Another enemy
Chapter 80 Weird
Chapter 81 Another sin
Chapter 82 Sister's Betrayal
Chapter 83 Tough Decision
Chapter 84 Spying on Lillian
Chapter 85 Care and want
Chapter 86 Maya with someone else
Chapter 87 Cuddling with the enemy
Chapter 88 Making a mistake
Chapter 89 Breaking the mate bond
Chapter 90 Hugo and Lena
Chapter 91 Hatred
Chapter 92 Fun and depression
Chapter 93 Caught
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