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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 2888    |    Released on: 25/04/2023

he sun fell behind the trees. The fact that they were mates had been revealed by Dmitry, but she had turned dow

to try to claim her in such a brazen manner, but on the other hand, she was pulled to him. She was at a loss for words to des

s rapidly approaching from behind her. When she looked back, she

s he moved one step c

t beating rapidly in her chest. "What do you want, Dmitry? I don't want to

ow, Emily. But I can't help the way I feel. I know that we are meant to be together, and

m so that she could try to let go of her fear and resentment against him. But there was still a part of her that was terrified – terri

what to do." "A part of me is afraid of you, but a

. But you need to realise that we have a bond between us that can't be broken. I know that I can make you happy if you

s aware that he was correct; there was obviously a connection between them that she was unable t

he added, "Dmitry, I need some time to think abou

, Emily. Take all the time you need. Just know that I'll

t to race. She was aware that she couldn't keep avoiding her feelings for him in

and natural. Emily couldn't help but be attracted to him due to the way he carried himself, the way he ta

f her mouth before she had a chance to process it. "I have

ze never left hers. Emily, you don't need to know how you're fe

g heart and racing mind. "But what if my heart is wrong? What if

e surface of her flesh. You may put your trust in me, Emily, because I will kee

became aware of how badly she desired to be with him. She was well aware that she shouldn't do it

kissed. She was fixated on Dmitry, how he smelled, and how he tasted to the point where s

nued to race. Emily experienced feelings of joy and contentment, along with apprehension. She was uncertain about

understanding of one another. Emily discovered that she was falling even deeper in love with Dmitry's ch

" "I just don't know how to put into words how unique yo

cial too, Dmitry. You're unlike anyone else I've ever met. I don't know what it

n the moonlight. That is due to the fact that we were al

reservations were gradually dissipating. As long as Dmitry was at her side, she felt confident that she could

s together. Emily experienced joy and fulfilment, and for the first time in a very long time, a sense of security swept over he

itry, and the two of them stayed up talking and laughing until the wee hours of the morning. She came to the conclusion that she was may

in the immediate area. It was a pendant fashioned out of a wolf's to

over, picking it up. "Dmitry, where did

r hands. "It was my mother's, but she left it to me when she passed away. I'

me idea of the significance the pendant must have held for him, b

o say, "I can't accept this, Dmitry. It

have wanted you to have it. She would have approved of us being mates. Additionally, you need someth

t she would always hold the pendant in the highest regard. As a sign o

l smile and said, "Thank you, Dmitr

motion. "I'm glad, Emily. I'm glad that you're beginning to trust me a

the fact that her feelings regarding what had transpired between them had not been fully

and now. In the meanwhile, she planned to take full advantage of the time she got to spend w

ent more and more time together. She was aware that he was caring, devoted, and fierce

ted him by name. "Dmitry," she said. "There's

cked up on the solemnity in her tone of v

g tone, saying, "I need to kno

ds in his. "I promise, Emily. I won't ever hurt you again. I know that I made a mistake, but I'm wi

itry. But I need you to understand that what you did was wrong. You can't just take someone wi

ssent. "I know, Emily. I've made my mistake, and from now o

aware of the gravity of what he had done. She was aware that the path that lay ahe

spirations and expectations for the years to come. Emily experienced joy and ful

both comfortable and protective. She was well aware that she still had a ways to go before she could

went on an adventure into the woods and discovered secluded pathways and waterfalls. They talked for

s pocket and brought out a little box. Emily peered at it with an inquisi

still have a ways to go before we can call ourselves truly together, I want you to know that

nd was set in the centre of the plain gold band that the ring was made of. She was aware of how much o

ring from its presentation box. "This is

ase, Emily. I want you to have this. I want you to know that I am serious about

the depth to which Dmitry cared for her. She placed the ring onto her finger

aid, "I love you, Dmitry," as she

ays to go before they could call themselves truly a couple, but for the time being, he was ready to wait it out. He was aw

nds were clenched securely together. They were well aware that their voyage was going to be challenging,

en almost a month since Dmitry had taken her without asking her permission, and despite the fact th

mind. She wished that she could just forget what had occurred. She was aware that she needed to talk to him in order to

e of Dmitry making his way towards her. She turned he

n a low voice. "Is th

o him. "I don't know, Dmitry. I'm still having

omfort her. "I understand, Emily; however, you are required to have faith

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