img Too Late To Confess  /  Chapter 2 Enjoying A Moment Of Beauty | 8.70%
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Chapter 2 Enjoying A Moment Of Beauty

Word Count: 2282    |    Released on: 18/04/2023

s pouted, and his cheeks puffed up. He look

t boy, now even laughing so widely, that Novan himself was

d, but not as lo

know what her feelings for you are like, she might know that you're nice to her, but t

at!" Novan snapped, al

ove if we don't love them back?" Marcell was still h

d Uti, s

't say

rds imply th

y cleared his throat to get rid of the rasp that clogged his throat. "Listen to th

because she had to,

ed to probe. "It's not only you who will b

love story is successful and going smoothly. It's not like what you said earlier, you're wrong, Marcell.

because you succeeded,

o you


eyes in annoyance. He chose not to pay attention

to hear your w

n his gaze shifted to Erza, who was mostly silent. "Uh

g the three handsome boys, Erza was the only one who didn't have a girlfriend. He was often teased by them, but

van was immune to all th

was her go-to move if Marcell was already taunting her. "Marce

, his laughter became even louder.

e a girlfriend? Let's

ur business

lot of good that we get, and you

rza replied casually. "And you should know, I'll

e problem that you're gay

you just say? I'm gay?" Erza's lips were fully parted. He really

y are you saying that? Why do you conclude somethi

y, isn't it wrong t

kes boys, right? You can't be careless when you say that." Novan defen

porting him. "That's right, you're really annoying

ot words." Marcell gave Erza the most annoying lopsided smile Erz

s is it of yours anyway? Whether I have a girlfrie

as nothing

elf, it's better if you just s

time," Marcell said, deliberately so that

ovan, who was sh

the middle of the sea, while we are here? The

, of course your captivity will be a special attraction for me, Van," Erza rep

riend's child, and we also still have a

's ri

earlier. Besides, you already know what my character is like."

re annoying too.

y, get a g

e's no rel

almly and seriously. "You have a target, right? You mean, yo

you as

t to k

tell you. Let's not t

ave good intentions, all for your sak

e pure lies, in fact, Erza has not fo

ck him. Erza didn't want that to happen, he could explode, his head would smoke,

ere re

lied angrily, he watched Marcell with eyes that were sharper t

, which actually didn't work at all, and Novan also realized that. Mar

rare, isn't it? It would be fun. Me with Weeby, Novan with Uti, and you with your girlfriend, who's nowhere to be found."

reams!" Erza scolded him before h

re are yo

blings. Come on, Van, do you want to come with me or not?" asked

shoreline, his feet had just

urriedly ran after Erza, leaving M

nuing to grumble in annoyance, Marcell then stood up from hi

arcell hurriedly set his feet on the sand, stepping quickly. He ran, was too h

ty for Novan and Erza. Both of them could have made fun of the boy, think of it as revenge. But, unfor

ave been the bu

rm beach water. The sun was descending on the western horizon, a

ted, and he smiled so brightly. "When I'm at the beach, somehow I

y." Novan agreed, his

rcell added, to which Novan and Erza nodded their heads in agreement. The three of them agreed a

and fuss over something, but would ge

ery time I wake up, I'll smell the salty air, hear the sound of the waves for the first time, and enjoy the beautiful scenery." The fantasy growing

room with a glass wall that leads directly to the ocean, enjoying the

want to, Za." Novan laughed,

rsonally have a differen

ding just to his left, his eyes narrowing, while Erza was already cross

y. "As far as the eye can see, I will find trees, the sound of birdsong is pleasing to the ear. In addition, I can watch the oak and birch trees c

e future." Erza shrugged his shoulders. "But, y

l shook his head and

of envy. In just a short time, they had all embraced each other, true friends who were enjoyi

e should laugh and not lose touch," Novan said,

ge, but until death do us part. Even though we'll have our own busy li

earnestly, answering

course," N

them laughe

just enjoy the present. We also see each other almos

really about to disappear." Novan pointed ahead, c

three boys, and they stared at the seconds as

them looked at each other, and their laughter fi

the evening, they

o was suddenly glued to the spot because his cell phone in his p

way, but the boy ignored him and chose to take his

in his throat when he r

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