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The 15th Of April

The 15th Of April

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Chapter 1 A New Beginning

Word Count: 421    |    Released on: 02/04/2023

everything seemed perfect. I had just moved to town with my family, and was excited to start a new life. I was a shy, intro

most beautiful girl i had ever seen. Her name was Lily. I couldn't take his eyes off h

eep walking, but i couldn't make himself do it. So i changed my course and headed for the

rkled in the sunlight. She looked up from her book and smiled at me. Man, i was

sked me what k was doing in town and i told her i had just moved there with my family. She asked if i had made an

wn and all of the fun things he could do. She was so frien

made plans to hang out again the next day. I couldn't believe my

rmth inside that he had never felt before. I knew that my life

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