img BROKEN: The journey of Emma  /  Chapter 1 The stranger on the beach | 4.55%
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BROKEN: The journey of Emma

BROKEN: The journey of Emma

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Chapter 1 The stranger on the beach

Word Count: 560    |    Released on: 14/03/2023

thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with had cheated on her, leaving her feeling lost and bro

e decided to pack a bag and hit the road. As she drove, she watched the scenery change from

g the fresh air and the sound of the waves would clear her head. She walked along

thing about him that caught her attention. Maybe it was the way the sunlight danced on his

favorite books to their deepest fears. It was as if they had known each other for years, not ju

n't even know his name. They exchanged numbers

in weeks. She fell asleep that night with a smile on he

s number was no longer in her phone. She searched for him on the beach but couldn't find him. Emma wondered

ing out to sea, a familiar vo

man said, approachi

It was him. The man she had spent the day

my head," he said. "I had

hey spent the day together, walking along the beach, explo

rs twinkle above them. Emma felt a sense of calm and happiness she

t help but wonder if their meeting was just a coi

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