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Chapter 6 : Sofia

Word Count: 1005    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

azes stay locked from across the distance separating us. I’ve replayed

secretly longed for a repeat performance, nothing has happened. If anything, Roma

ned yet. I’m beginning to wonder if it ever will, which sucks. I don’t wa

an. The kiss we shared has ruined me for all other men. A

tempt backfired spectacularly. Instead of driv

ore now than

thers, Giovanni, Matteo, and Niko, flank my father. Roman has become my father’s right-hand ma

he nudges me with her e

n. A blush isn’t nearly as noticeable as on someone with a creamy complexion. Like Grace

ff, “Of course not,” wincing a

ebrow. “Are you

y full height. “I cou

uring the six months she’s been with Matteo. I’ve kept my feelings

oint in ment

consequential my existence is to him. After years of frigid looks and abrupt di

muses. “He looks awf

his direction bef

sation when he sneaks up behind Gr

for a backward hug. I’m happy that he’s

s her ear, I p

be it’s n

ate manner is enough t



h I try my hardest to avoid staring at him. There isn’t a moment when I’

iting the tent as my brother holds up a silver picture frame for ev

al times throughout the afternoon. By unspoken agreement, we avoid interaction at

nd slips out the back door. No one notices hi

here to be found. Instead of moving toward the living room, where guests are conversing in loud, exuberant voices, I turn toward the wing that houses m

Papa’s office, I notice that the door is ajar, which is unusual becaus

y desk sits prominently in the center. A massive fieldstone fireplace occupies the far end. Built-in bookshelves

efore selecting a novel, eagerly devouring the words on each page, and then sitting down with him to discuss my thoughts. We would spend an entire

out them is that they have nothing to do with Enzo, the mafia crime boss. They’re

s still, as if it hasn’t been disturbed for some time. Roman

ls me, snapping me

eally follow Roman

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