img The Mafia's Wanted Desires.  /  Chapter 3 3 | 2.44%
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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1214    |    Released on: 11/02/2023


sed, dabbing my cigarette onto the ashtray. I could hear his heavy breathing from the other end of

way it

ped my lips. The pause I left in between my words was solely for o

to know I mea

ind you

set you on fire and watch you burn until there's nothing left other than your ashe

athing pick up

d into the phone, my gaze traveling through the large glass windows i

me, Eric?"

swered, hoarsely,

s and spun around in my swivel chair, setting it on the table. I opened a pack of cigarettes, took out one

y thoughts and my eyes flu

I instructe

in her hands, containing a glass of water. I furrowed my brows, ment


e minutes

ered on the tray, her non-existence cleavage coming into view. The white shirt she wore pressed

she was tr

pping my finge

tched as her face lit up at my question. She twirled her bla

My lower lips twitched in a smirk at this acti

get. Without hesitation, she strutted over to me and I grabbed her by

d her by the neck, applying pressure onto my grip. I watched as her eyes widened in fear, and muffled s

through your head," I growled, choking her. She wa

eck and she landed with a loud thud, wincing and coughing violently. She shifted

as on fire. She rose to her feet and bolted out of the room. I undid my cuffs and popped a f

I picked it up. It w


ping yo

t n

essy black hair was the first thing that greeted my screen and then, a little bit o

s!" She grinned

azily at her, lea

alarmed at the bags that adorned the skin under my e

she acted like she was twelve. It was so hard to believe that she just had her first child, roughly th

st of her life with. They have practically been best friends their whole lives. Andrew was a good guy an

ined dramatically and I co

uch a dra

entler tone. Her face which had morphed in worry lit up, which had me furrowin

" I asked, softl

e?" She teased me and I scowled at her. She was so small, clad in a p

gh to tug at my heartstri

her gently

ng at her right now!" Maria gushed and I felt my cheeks turn red in e

andful, Mari

. Are you okay, though?" She aske

ive gaze for a while before nodding her head. Not because she

at me and I hung up. I threw my phone carelessly on

you too

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