img He Had Me On A Contract  /  Chapter 3 THREE | 30.00%
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Chapter 3 THREE

Word Count: 1051    |    Released on: 07/01/2023


budget for the opening of the branch at NYC 2 fo

king at every member of the financial team to

who could hold my gaze for as long as 3 minutes notice the tone

y bring over this ridiculous type of proposal and it's wort

e" the head of the financial team Mr. Grant said as he pointed t

ok at the signature, making sure

I cannot remember doing so I stoo

, and make sure my assistant brings

d Mr. Grant's voice

m been stopped I turned aro

and stared at me until I nodded my

istant as of now," he said turning

else is sitting beside me at this mee

hout waiting for a response from hi

is a lot to be done and I need more than a hand to oversee all t

any of my brothers cause of the way we all look alike, especially Jayce

to my desk settling his ass there befor

y office" I look at all the work t

ng remember??" He coyed h

ten, since there is no o

ork I have been doing, pushing the papers into t

is one go without f

" I eyed him reminding him e

is strictly business and when you mi

tales....." I stood

already" He huffed at me before standing up

ant it was for the business and the sales o

on going on and the flocks of people that seem

rn to Jayce who seems to have

twitch twice, something he seems to

ow, the search for your ne

that too "well I hope they get someone more trustworthy than the others" I s

sharpy ponytail, bronzing brown skin that seems to scream loud

e (although I cannot see it from

and the shabby chic clothing she is

now fixed on the female that just wa

ight, making her brown skin pop up and

me I turn around and averted my

he news" he su

t could

had an assistant we could have known this sooner. See you

have been looking at before, now she is on cue with th

at her directly and that's

that was watching my brothers and

ere for any more minutes an idea pop into my head

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