img The Alphas Love Triangle  /  Chapter 4 Ep. 4 | 5.06%
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Reading History

Chapter 4 Ep. 4

Word Count: 1180    |    Released on: 13/02/2023


canopy bed sits on the left side, with an abundance of light champagne pillows and curtains. There’s a reading nook to the side of the st

ne for the

fill m

makes himself comfortable, curling up onto the f

oom,” the Alpha sa

efore all but forgotten. I hurry to the reading nook and

only lit up by small lights, b

a fai

surrounded by flowers and trees leads to a s

e been here before a


want to leav

his expression blank. He’s placed my suitcase next to

?” he asks quie

ot?” I reply.

, then

kle, but it’s devo

into the reading nook, the back of my

curls up. “Of course, you would like it.” H

am, I chide. This

amt this wh

I’m no

you have any other allergies w


d swims. But, like before, it makes my hear

unhinged, and I can’t le

ean any further back into the nook, I’ll fall, so I pl

tch Wilson out of the corner of my e

sleep. I can’t handle all the

. “Right. Well,

m, shutting the

, my chest heaving as I

ange man with mood sw

er. It’s not like he’


son, who tilts

sychopath,” I mu

es a

continue. “I could use the company,

leg and licks

’re talking to

itchy near him. My ey

ime I was around a cat but

te c

out a black blob with a subtle white mustache a

d I snap out

e the most of t

-blonde weirdo again, I

f the Inn, but I’m st

worse than what hap

a will not ru

rass lock on the door

ke everyth

down my back, washing

down, tears fall again, this t

the tile and bite my f

the Inn and the last thing I want is

, I sit under the spray and

my mind, and I can’t stop

I go af

nd I can’t go back to him

ents a

e no

to tu

, some clothes, toil

be worse,

uld stay a

e are resourc

ring the town, I

n do

iest towel I’ve ever felt, Wilson is passed out on

what prevents me from opening the d

d pet his head, my fingers

keeps his eyes closed as my finger dr

tale signs of aller

I’m not

if he

uspicion rac

s, what else could

he rolls onto his side, his

hat matte

ne wit

d top, I lift the covers and crawl int

pillows caress my head perfectly an

bed ever fe

off the lamp, I glan


t find


lson crawls on my chest, I fall as

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