img Still In Love With You (Loathing Logan book 2)  /  Chapter 4 - Home Again | 4.60%
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Chapter 4 - Home Again

Word Count: 3295    |    Released on: 03/01/2023


- Lakeview's

n my throat kept me from speaking a word. I finally took a big gulp

, but it soon gets the best of me. I can't take the pain inside, letting

kept my promise to you though, I got my shit together as I promised. I graduated this year with my bachelor's in creative writing and photography. I have been receiving so many offers for my books, you were right, they are such big hit

of how unjustifiable it felt when mom'

ol. Everyone, including Logan, had praised and celebrated her victory. But, it was sh

whole process leaving me with so much anger and bitterness. Feeling v

gged us as a family to let her go, and cherish the rest of the time she ha

ng that I will be back home, in that room up in that attic." I can't h

started babbling and called you mommy because he would hear me call you mom. I recall when you'd come by and all he wanted was to be with mommy Haile

w you loved him, just like I do. He's my world. He loves you so much, even though you are not here anymore, I know he misses you so much." I chuckl

m against my lips, and kiss them. I press m

come, I will stay. I won't run anymore, and I will com

ghing deeply as I make

I know I've hidden Nathan from everyone for this long, with only a handful of them knowing of his existence. But I'm done running, I

. I knew mom wouldn't want me to walk around with a sad expression written all over my face. I made my way to Ikea while Le

would certainly need stuff to cook in while the furniture was delivered today. I knew I was g



laptop sits in front of me, the more eager I become. The constant need to search for her in socia

accounts are private and my guess is that she has blocked me out of them.

ntroduced me to a few days after I got back to town. I hate to tell them that I am just n

come on now Spencer, you're killing me here? Besides....I think you can use her to you

and you're already hassling my ass. I told you, I'm not interested. She's too.... how can I put this in the right wo

you guys even try and hook me u

s friend, besides, as I said, s

thing you're n

king my heart sink. I suddenly felt I was going to faint, or maybe vomit,

e doesn't

king really pretty, but I know you would have preferred for her to live in the house b

things will be great again? You know she hates my guts. I don't know w

I'm se

me being happy together, you both are good friends to me, you both mean a lot, I don't want to get you involved in this, just to make h

you can't just give up. I know you were still hoping she'

al T. I am not waiting

herself at you, and still, you want to remain completely single. Why Logan? Unless I'm right, and you're waiting and hoping Sophie came back to Lakeview soon

ou were holding up, I know, but, she also told me how you do nothing but talk abo

life? Fucking hell." Logan sighs, he leans t

maybe a little clingy, but she knows that you are still hooked on Sophie. She loves se

pens it to read a text message. His eyes open wid

quizzically and lean forward, pursing my lips. "Ashton Kutcher?" I respond sarcastically. He chuckles and nods. "Sophie is shop

t this rate, I think I might ha

e're dating.....but nothing serious, I don't want Sophie completely pissed off at me. It's time I win her back.

holy shit she's back. If this isn't fate, I don'

my secretary needs to speak with me; I

I answ

e is closing down for lunch, do you

afternoon for tomorrow. I'm heading home." I say an

want to run over to Ikea now? Or you gonna wait

I say as I stand, loosening my tie with my hand and close my lapt

s it slowly closes from where I grabbed my

arm embrace as she blows a kiss towards the camera. I stared at Sophie with a

ay we had surprised her, taking her t

picture. Both reminiscing on the many beautiful memories she left behind. I gently take the picture awa

stay positive and pray to th

to the car and pressed the key to unlock it. I

ss who agreed to play at my wedding?" Troy asks

play at our wedding. Appare

was hitting big. He mixes new labels with his badas

awesome," I answer

prised, he doesn't know. It's my weddin

is, you two have gone thro

end, near the window. I enjoyed his company and talking to him.

and Lexie can keep my secret. I can finally have a chance

us. He smiled cheekily, exposing his deep dimples, with wild curls and green eyes that bore into me. There was just so

o hug him. I don't know why, I had never met the kid. Hell, our

king his smile wider. Then he turned back down, continuin

. Who are you?" The little kid looked pretty smart. He fiddled with hi

y, Troy. Are you here visiting someo

" My heart leaped with excitement for no reason. This was probably the son of the new o

, but it was too painful for me to keep it, which was why I had decided to sell the place. It wasn't in the market for long when I got a call from my realtor

me to our town kid. I k

fore I go to school. All my friends are back where we us

s he continued to play his game on his phone. He s

She bought it for me for getting straight A's in school. I love playing games.

are you

. It's a lot of fun." He says as he

me, she's outside waiting for you, we gotta go sweetheart

e gotta go, sweetie, come on." She tells the boy as

ght? Trojan war, I know, see you." He yells out as he gets

g," Troy says as I t

kid, don't you th

o of you together, I could have sworn you two w

esides, it's impossible, because.....I have

ophie if she eve

ing a piece of bread at

ms and bang her, you weasel." I threw anoth

n anyone I'd see myself with. I'm tired of using other women for sex. Nothing personal,

ives it back, I can't look at another girl and truly love them as I loved her. I'm willing



Chapter 1 - Going Back Home Chapter 2 - New Opportunities Chapter 3 - Broken Hearts Don’t Mend Easily Chapter 4 - Home Again Chapter 5 - Close Call Chapter 6 - I Have A New Friend
Chapter 7 - Charlie
Chapter 8 - I Messed Up
Chapter 9 - You’re Going To Meet Grandma
Chapter 10 - Apple Picking
Chapter 11 - First Day of a Whole Lot Going On
Chapter 12 - It’s Not A Misunderstanding
Chapter 13 - He’s Mine
Chapter 14 - I’m Never Giving Up
Chapter 15 - Let’s Go Have Some Fun
Chapter 16 - She’s Mine, Bud!
Chapter 17 - I Hate You, Spencer!
Chapter 18 - The Best Is Yet To Come
Chapter 19 - Can We Go Glamping
Chapter 20 - Smarty Pants
Chapter 21 - Let The Games Begin
Chapter 22 - To The Moon and Back
Chapter 23 - He’s My Everything
Chapter 24 - Not This Time
Chapter 25 - I Can’t Get Enough of You
Chapter 26 - You Can Call Me Brother
Chapter 27 - She’s My New Sister
Chapter 28 - It’s Not Her Fault
Chapter 29 - Time To Shine
Chapter 30 - Hold Me, Daddy
Chapter 31 - Communication is Key
Chapter 32 - This Was Unexpected
Chapter 33 - Unexpectedly Expecting Indeed
Chapter 34 - I’m Not Your Friend
Chapter 35 - Pardon The Hormones
Chapter 36 - Don’’t Push My Buttons
Chapter 37 - Mommy’s Treasure Box
Chapter 38 - Where’s Your Brother Now
Chapter 39 - She’s Done For
Chapter 40 - I’ll Always Be There
Chapter 41 - What Were You Thinking
Chapter 42 - I Need Time
Chapter 43 - I Hate Everyone
Chapter 44 - She Is Beautiful
Chapter 45 - Auction Night
Chapter 46 - It’s Just Fun And Games
Chapter 47 - Priorities
Chapter 48 - It’s Time To Man Up
Chapter 49 - And Why Not
Chapter 50 - Operation Michael
Chapter 51 - I Never Said It’d Be Easy
Chapter 52 - Don’t Break Your Promise
Chapter 53 - Why Is This Happening
Chapter 54 - I’ll Never Leave You
Chapter 55 - We’ll Never Forget
Chapter 56 - Be Strong
Chapter 57 - Make That Room For Two
Chapter 58 - You Big Tease
Chapter 59 - You Can Heal Me All You Want
Chapter 60 - Surprising My Girl
Chapter 61 - Maybe It Was Just Meant To Be This Way
Chapter 62 - Regret
Chapter 63 - He’s A Mystery
Chapter 64 - Let’s Do This
Chapter 65 - Over My Dead Body
Chapter 66 - We Found Him
Chapter 67 - Mia
Chapter 68 - Just Mia
Chapter 69 - It’s A Date
Chapter 70 - The Best In Life
Chapter 71 - New York Trouble
Chapter 72 - Time For Change
Chapter 73 - You Are So Spoiled
Chapter 74 - Not Everyone Deserves A Second Chance
Chapter 75 - Back To Reality
Chapter 76 - Lovely Imperfections
Chapter 77 - Darkness
Chapter 78 - The Beast
Chapter 79 - I Just Want This Nightmare To Be Over
Chapter 80 - Everything Begins To Fall Into Place
Chapter 81 - Falling More In Love With You
Chapter 82 - You’ll Always Be My Girl
Chapter 83 - Is There Room For One More
Chapter 84 - Save Me A Dance
Chapter 85 - Double Take
Chapter 86 - You Are My Sunshine
Chapter 87 - BONUS CHAPTER
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