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Chapter 9 Unknown

Word Count: 1092    |    Released on: 06/12/2022

g in the corne

e back of her hand. She looked at Mama. The

oser. "Closer." She moved forward until Mama pinched hi

l you can hear outside the bar is her squealing. People passing by are looking at them. It's good that I'm a little far from them. If not, I will

e's drunk. I lost my stupor when a car stopped in front of us. The color of the


o words came out. I returned my gaze to the man. I nodded here. I invited

eling well." He spoke

seatbelt. I didn't say a

hat Anna was also looking at him. Even though she w

, Mark." "We might c

Because they are fragile, friends fell in love, got hurt, and broke up. Who is having a hard time with you two? It's me, n

oulder. The car stopped where we were staying. Mark and I o

car. He carried her into

soap later." We entered the house. Mama went straight to the kitchen. I caught

first." Mark and I will just tal

ro?" Look at me at the same time. If you look at us from a distance, w

is face away. Because of what I did, the fool bur

"You haven't made me feel in a long time." I only answered

was the first to

all r

oses yesterday. "Are you in troub

to see a rose again. "

in the Bed of Roses?" "Your bro

r looking around, it looked back at me. He looked at me as if he wanted t

not feeling well right now

ious that

l. "We'll be wandering around Carl," he

with you and Carl. You know, r

ers shudder. "I missed

one Father called."

how he dressed up in school. He

aughing. "I'll go first. Go inside." I nodded. He got into his car. He honked b

just ignored what I said. It hurts a man when the woman breaks up with him firs

nds. We are both

d, and they have a lot of friends. They are not alone,

t now. I hugged myself. I rubbed

want to go inside, but I don't feel good in my current pla

f one of our neighbors. He was sitting in the back of the car, and I could see his s

are you looking at m

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