img Urban Son In Law  /  Chapter 5 No.5 | 6.67%
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Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1272    |    Released on: 04/11/2022

sed, while the two girls

t, he might have endured it, but now that he had the str

e too arrogant. It'

u talk to m

ew into a rage. Did this soft hearted m

am sh

east half an elder, isn't he? Is th

der to marry his daughter to his son before he die

insulted William, but

t, William

g nonsense, I'll te

Landen Zhao a

old master who proposed to marry him. But later, his grandfather died in a heroic manner, which was orig

to marry his granddaughter to William to fulfi

is time was no different fr

mouth apart? Are

d walked towards Wi

o be able to foresee what would h

ndo club when he was at school. It was said

ed over and slap

surprise, William

break free from hi

w could this guy ha

, William slapped him across

n Landen Zhao's face. He was complete

dn't believe that Will


ngry that he was abo

lliam slapped h

not o


d him acro

insult my g

pped hi

ou call him

d, he slapped Landen

ught by Landen Zhao were completely

Zhao, the corners of the ey

liamlet go o

l circles, and the corners of his mouth were bleedi

hand, and Landen Zh

ne. I just rubbed my hands

ry strange feeling about William. Looking at his eyes, he had

anden Zhao's character to l

as a little fa

nger and said angrily, "

red an

rls also f

e about Landen Zha

in the Zhao clan, and he had no dignity. He proba

some friends outside

nfident in his

's matter seriously and ret

e and lit a cigarette, she saw her sister-in-law, Mary,

that she j


lf, she didn't expect that her si

food restaurant and bring

l them and ask the

was co

do I need

er-in-law, not

aw argued for a while

, she was v

one brough

put on her clothes. She left the vil

he monitoring factory had found and asked h

rried to h

f the Han clan, she did find the previous surveillance video, bu

have tampered with it, but it was more difficult t

ned to the vi

d been sent to prison. He planned to go

t their families. She could o

arker seemed to be very familiar with the police station

s, she called P

that she would solve the problem of Le

arker was overj

a very fast speed. Before tomorrow, he got the i

mation about the people you want. I hope

plete information,

l, I'm Leila's husband

can call me if yo

ed happily

. She seemed to be in a good mood. She went back

orning, William

one of the

n't have such a

his face, he walked out an

the result was still the sam

hould he really go to the prison to meet the

gh, William came

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