img The Wife of the Billionaire.  /  Chapter 2 TWO | 1.72%
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Reading History

Chapter 2 TWO

Word Count: 1216    |    Released on: 02/11/2022


ement that had been made the previous night was beyond sho

Adele, then I will honour it. Let m

d like music and every time i

ire existence intimidated her. He wasn’t only rich, but

blic places with guards because of the multitude of paparazzis that flo

time for anything else in his life. Adele didn't want to m

to marry Jamal

of the man and his

sharing the same bedroom with him and having sex with him. The thought sent chi

"That cannot happen" She said as she picked up her

tact in her phone. She had instructed her to call him if she needed anything. She did not object, bu

at him for a whole lot of seconds as she

e knew he had more influence over grandma than she did and that if he told

r the phone to ring. She held the phone over her ear and paced about her desk as she

le voice came through and Adele was astonished bu

ls are forwarded to her desk" She thou

ak with Mr. Dominic

interrogated and Adele could

to him." She instructed as she waited patiently

h, causing Adele to stop on her tracks

lm. Certainl


. I'm sorry for c

d calmly and Adele could sense

y and at that moment, she wondered wh

lost her calm and was blabbering like an idiot. She wonder

voice came through again, snap

ou know. To talk about this whole issue, that is if you are n

t us to meet?" J

by one pm."

ll that be?"

is resta

gis restaurant in two hours t

edly slumped on her office chair. She c

and live with that man when

ice and immediately, Adele sat upright to address the man

ishing company in the city and her grand


so I need you to fill in

What do I n

d in the newspapers and he was more than delighted to oblige. I need you to go there with Ciara and interview the manager. Ask him a few question about Mr. Dominick's visit" He explai

rant just because Jamal… I mean… Mr. Dominick went there to have lunch?" She

Now, get the questions pre

Adele as

with Jamal w

terview, all you have to do is come back here and hand me the final draft of

appointment with someone a


… I real

work, just reschedule. It can't be that hard!" Mr. Franck proclaimed care

ed breathlessly as she covered her face

udacity to call Jamal and

for lunch mattered so much that it had to go in the

ant idea came




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