img Book of Fate (English)  /  Chapter 6 Unknown Person | 17.14%
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Chapter 6 Unknown Person

Word Count: 1324    |    Released on: 13/11/2022

nd it was obvious that her eyes wante

ause Bree was in a hurry to go home, so while she


r him to get close to me. "We're going somewhe

ted to go home. Even though I was tired, I

too slowly with her head bent down. William noticed it, so he walked

ing, and I noticed that I had also be

u will start tutoring me on Saturday, right?" Until Willi

r answer earlier i

he park if he was just checking my a

t stop asking?" William pulled out th

William shifted his gaze to Daniella, who was already asleep at that time. He watched Daniella while sleeping; he really meant to take Daniella to the park so th

table until William and Daniella arrived. He looked at Daniella first, then at Willi

nd shook his head in response. "

d; she's just my classma

u, but you don't pay attention to her." At that time, William didn't

was lucky? This woman is so ugly and will do what she

have her crush on, and I'm not sure if she also loves you too. " The man was still smil

her, but the woman in front of you does not have the same behavior. She also had a crush on one student, but she couldn't say what she f

her? Shouldn't you let

also have feelings for her. It's funny to think that I did everything so that she wou

u did was

was selfish at that time. But what can I do? I lo

e woman you're ta

re she is now. All I know is that the man she liked when we wer

y have a family

man who made my heart beat then, and hopefull

hat his desire for his beloved was rea

ay what was in my heart a few years ago. If she already has a family, it's okay; at least somehow I told h

it was his driver. "Excuse me, sir! We have to leave." The man who called himse

r feelings for you, and it will be more difficult for you to chase if that situation occurs. She has the courage to say how she feels about you. It's up to you now what the answer is to her wish, whether it will be granted or not, or maybe she will get hurt at the end like you." Then a sin

p. "I fell asleep?" I looked at William. "Have you finished checking my answer on t

aid, and suddenly, I

I think it's been about an hour, bu

I'll just do it

he said. "What did you

ok," William s

t's go home so that I can just continue my sleep in the house t

my gaze followed William, who continued to walk, and he did not try to wait for me. "I don't know if William

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