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Chapter 5 V

Word Count: 1405    |    Released on: 23/10/2022


taying up late, sometimes texting and sometimes seeing a new girl here and the

the window. He was such a good boy and kept his recreational act

want from me?” I demanded after I made

ice and I thanked Da

en with the staff.” He barked at m

to help him, not managers or anyone out there?” I w

uld do

asked as he leaned back and ran

en here and as much as they flir

gone far in their flirtations, even popping

look for a hot woman that wil

this place?” I asked, admitting t

lp with other things, though we’d b

wned at him. Dad would never do this, but he was a

till worked hard here and I wondered if we could do the same

ool and afterward. Women like the idea of two hot guys

plete with a sofa and an extra desk that would work f

with the office being at the end of the building and very

th the women now that we were working. This was a sudden ch

yone knows how busy we are,” Brandon

here and we didn’t always want to bother the rest of the staff, and if we had someone running th

week and we interviewed a few women

nd beautiful since we made sure of that f

n woman that had a college degree in business b

hree with a degree in Business, though that

her and explained that she would be signing a contract that woul

favors in the office but a long look at the two of u

Cecile and handed her a thick stack

aper. We told her that she could start the following Monday,

ass?” Brandon asked as I felt

she was feisty. I sensed that she was go

d. We still had Friday and the weekend until she started bu

was quite the setup. There was the large desk, the couc

im for that. I was slightly ashamed of what we were doing in his former spac

ards one another. I pushed that idea out of my head, wa

involved with any of the women here. We were owners of the company and t

n eager to please us, and I knew that wo

g vaguely about the new assistant. I assured the managers that w

little thing. Dad had assistants so it wa

look and grinned before heading home f

king hard in the company and that we wer

was a perfect situation. We left the office Friday night to go and meet s

a great view of the hockey game in the background,

arm, looking ready for a little action. I’d noticed a blonde and on

re able to sleep in on Sunday and get back to

tting there and talking through the hard emotions. We sipped beers on the op

y,” he said gruffly

Mom needs us and we can work and pla

lance our lives. We needed the touch of a woman but

care of our moth



Chapter 1 I Chapter 2 II Chapter 3 III Chapter 4 IV Chapter 5 V Chapter 6 VI
Chapter 7 VII
Chapter 8 VIII
Chapter 9 IX
Chapter 10 X
Chapter 11 XI
Chapter 12 XII
Chapter 13 XIII
Chapter 14 XIV
Chapter 15 XV
Chapter 16 XVI
Chapter 17 XVII
Chapter 18 XVIII
Chapter 19 XIX
Chapter 20 XX
Chapter 21 XXI
Chapter 22 XXII
Chapter 23 XXIII
Chapter 24 XXIV
Chapter 25 XXV
Chapter 26 XXVI
Chapter 27 XXVII
Chapter 28 XXVIII
Chapter 29 XXIX
Chapter 30 XXX
Chapter 31 XXXI
Chapter 32 XXXII
Chapter 33 XXXIII
Chapter 34 XXXIV
Chapter 35 XXXV
Chapter 36 XXXVI
Chapter 37 XXXVII
Chapter 38 XXXVIII
Chapter 39 XXXIX
Chapter 40 XL
Chapter 41 XLI
Chapter 42 XLII
Chapter 43 XLIII
Chapter 44 XLIV
Chapter 45 XLV
Chapter 46 XLVI
Chapter 47 XLVII
Chapter 48 XLVIII
Chapter 49 XLIX
Chapter 50 L
Chapter 51 LI
Chapter 52 LII
Chapter 53 LIII
Chapter 54 LIV
Chapter 55 LV
Chapter 56 LVI
Chapter 57 LVII
Chapter 58 LVIII
Chapter 59 LIX
Chapter 60 LX
Chapter 61 LXI
Chapter 62 LXII
Chapter 63 LXIII
Chapter 64 LXIV
Chapter 65 LXV
Chapter 66 LXVI
Chapter 67 LXVII
Chapter 68 LXVIII
Chapter 69 LXIX
Chapter 70 LXX
Chapter 71 LXXI
Chapter 72 LXXII
Chapter 73 LXXIII
Chapter 74 LXXIV
Chapter 75 LXXV
Chapter 76 LXXVI
Chapter 77 LXXVII
Chapter 78 LXXVIII
Chapter 79 LXXIX
Chapter 80 LXXX
Chapter 81 LXXXI
Chapter 82 LXXXII
Chapter 83 LXXXIII
Chapter 84 LXXXVI
Chapter 85 LXXXV
Chapter 86 LXXXVI
Chapter 87 LXXVII
Chapter 88 LXXXVIII
Chapter 89 LXXXIX
Chapter 90 XC
Chapter 91 XCI
Chapter 92 XCII
Chapter 94 XCIV
Chapter 95 XCV
Chapter 96 XCVI
Chapter 97 XCVII
Chapter 98 XCVIII
Chapter 99 XCIX
Chapter 100 C
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