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Sinful Temptation

Sinful Temptation

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Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1008    |    Released on: 04/11/2022

her groaning out in annoyance as

and seek through the slit of the curtains

and removing the alluring fluffy blanket. The idea of leaving

m and did her business. After a quick shower, she fe

dson. A 17-year-old girl or perhaps a n

er, cupboard right beside it, on the other wall was a wide large window where a couch was placed, this window was her favorite place in the whole apartment. There was an attached bathroom which luckily consisted of a bathtub. The thing was old bu

ther was the only family she had left. He took care of

It was tough and still is. But Emma has coped up to living alone. Though her apartment wasn't

erself she did the buttons of her baggy shirt. She hurriedly drank her coffee, picked up he

activities and criminal records. And a little girl like

s and panted because of that jog. Emma waited for ten

the vehicle started moving, the dread of what was t

ip was important as it was the only thing she could achieve because the fee structure of her school almost touched the sky. So she has t

rself. Trying to fade away in the crowd of people an

it all started. Being bullied daily by this rich g

h she tried, their eyes would always strip her naked. On one side they call her fat and what not and on the other s

erself. She even tried dieting but to no avail as it

harsh and cruel words. Their stupid pranks and ridiculous behaviors. But they never

destination. Her hands clenched into fists after notici

their torture was that they were rich and can ruin her life with just one phone call because their parents has many shares in

ast pace from beside them. 'Please don't notice me.' While

, making her apply her brakes at the f

again and staring at the guy named Jack

grinned and blocked her way. It's entertainment for this

nk you're going f

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