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Chapter 6 Six

Word Count: 1416    |    Released on: 10/10/2022

efore kicking it hard, breaking down the hinges;

s could carry me, as I couldn't tell how long he could hold

the bed, and I felt my heart stop inside my chest as my bl

gh the room as tears stung my

rt thudding inside his chest; his eyes also ope

ce. That had made him smile weakly, displaying his dimples. I

n though the external wound won't heal so fast." I purred into his ear, trying hard not to touch him. Not b

down his gullet before handing back the cup to me. I headed over to

tell what would happen next if I tu

r your help,"

; the blushing and exciting f

I had done. Saved a vampir

walked to h

on the stool beside the bed as our eyes locked together again; I was fallin

o doesn't love you but wanted you for sex only," he c

er telling him

who told you?" I shriek

mine. I felt like pulling back, but lost the strength as his soft

t be exposed, but a witch found out and that was why I was hunted. I followed you all day, and I'm sorry for

ide the sitting room and knew instantly what he meant; it wa

so painfully that they

, plucking out the heart-shaped pendant that hung over my necklace. H

ight and ripped body with a broad chest like a sculpture, The tattoos that ran along his arms and neck made him look so

y climbed the stairs, making me feel very sad again. They will fin

ng. He slid the handle, and I could see him take a deep breath as he made

over to me and kissed my lips deeply,

my room sprang open, an

g chased by something; their feet stomping on the floor broke the sudden silence t

htening like it was being ripped out slowly. The footsteps of my parents were sounding in my ears

e that everything had rumbled and crashed; my emotions were batterin

my head, deep into my skull and brain, as I instant

loodied feet sprints on the floor. My parents will find out I saved a vampire. The daughter of a pack hunter saved a vampi

I will be left a

palm as I stared at his face, which had turned red in rage; my eyes flashed to m

?" I asked my father with a waveri

ed the question, banging his hand on the table in f

d nothing will happen to you" After tiring of se

d he came here; even the vampire blood splat

e had put me into, but he had mentioned that he would pay me back. He al

After the pain of heartbreak from Torian, I

ed him escape?" My dad f

came back shortly with shoc

father asked her. I coul

to treat the poison from our arrows!!" I heard her shrilly voice, which was followed by a grunt, while dad

ughter!" my mother cried



Chapter 1 One Chapter 2 Two Chapter 3 Three Chapter 4 Four Chapter 5 Five Chapter 6 Six Chapter 7 Seven
Chapter 8 Eight
Chapter 9 Nine
Chapter 10 Ten
Chapter 11 Eleven
Chapter 12 Twelve
Chapter 13 Thirteen
Chapter 14 Fourteen
Chapter 15 Fifteen
Chapter 16 Sixteen
Chapter 17 Seventeen
Chapter 18 Eighteen
Chapter 19 Nineteen
Chapter 20 Twenty
Chapter 21 Twenty One
Chapter 22 Twenty Two
Chapter 23 Twenty Three
Chapter 24 Twenty Four
Chapter 25 Twenty Five
Chapter 26 Twenty Six
Chapter 27 Twenty Seven
Chapter 28 Twenty Eight
Chapter 29 Twenty Nine
Chapter 30 Thirty
Chapter 31 Thirty One
Chapter 32 Thirty Two
Chapter 33 Thirty Three
Chapter 34 Thirty Four
Chapter 35 Thirty Five
Chapter 36 Thirty Six
Chapter 37 Thirty Seven
Chapter 38 Thirty Eight
Chapter 39 Thirty Nine
Chapter 40 Forty
Chapter 41 Forty One
Chapter 42 Forty Two
Chapter 43 Forty Three
Chapter 44 Forty Four
Chapter 45 Forty Five
Chapter 46 Forty Six
Chapter 47 Forty Seven
Chapter 48 Forty Eight
Chapter 49 Forty Nine
Chapter 50 Fifty
Chapter 51 Fifty One
Chapter 52 Fifty Two
Chapter 53 Fifty Three
Chapter 54 Fifty Four
Chapter 55 Fifty Five
Chapter 56 Fifty Six
Chapter 57 Fifty Seven
Chapter 58 Fifty Eight
Chapter 59 Fifty Nine
Chapter 60 Sixty
Chapter 61 Sixty One
Chapter 62 Sixty Two
Chapter 63 Sixty Three
Chapter 64 Sixty Four
Chapter 65 Sixty Five
Chapter 66 Sixty Six
Chapter 67 Sixty Seven
Chapter 68 Sixty Eight
Chapter 69 Sixty Nine
Chapter 70 Seventy
Chapter 71 Seventy One
Chapter 72 Seventy Two
Chapter 73 Seventy Three
Chapter 74 Seventy Four
Chapter 75 Seventy Five
Chapter 76 Part 2 Mate Series.
Chapter 77 Ch 01
Chapter 78 Ch 02
Chapter 79 Ch 03
Chapter 80 Ch 04
Chapter 81 Ch 05
Chapter 82 Ch 06
Chapter 83 Ch 07
Chapter 84 Ch 08
Chapter 85 Ch 09
Chapter 86 Ch 10
Chapter 87 Ch 11
Chapter 88 Ch 12
Chapter 89 Ch 13
Chapter 90 Ch 14
Chapter 91 Ch 15
Chapter 92 Ch 16
Chapter 93 Ch 17
Chapter 94 Ch 18
Chapter 95 Ch 19
Chapter 96 Ch 20
Chapter 97 Ch 21
Chapter 98 Ch 22
Chapter 99 Ch 23
Chapter 100 Ch 24
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