img When Love Takes Another Turn  /  Chapter 9 Bestfriend's Power | 13.85%
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Chapter 9 Bestfriend's Power

Word Count: 2085    |    Released on: 07/10/2022

her world beautiful suddenly made her world dim. How was she going to live with this new identity of hers when everywhere she goes, she is being tagged a whore and a disgrace. H

She heard t

." She heard her brother say as she stood at the door with her ears placed on the door. She listened to every conversation her brother and Sarah ha

ause she knew how much Andrew cares about his

u know I can tell you aren't sleeping, right?" She said as Nora tried her best to keep her eyes shut. Sara noticing Nora wouldn't stop the game she was playing went into the bathroom and got a bowl of water. She was about to sprinkle little drops on

the bed with her face focused on her friend.

have heard about it. How did he take it? Did he c

breath before speaking. "Do you want to know who my boyfriend is?"

onesty. She was the type of person who respected people's privacy. If you don't share things with her she wouldn't force you to and that is why she was hurt when No

mise not to freak out." Sara looked at Nora wond

ked. Nora immediately left Sara's hand. When she told her to promise she wouldn't freak out, she was just telling

?" she looked at Sara not believing her best friend in the wor

statement. Sara moved closer to her, held her hand, and apologized. "I

ed at her in disbelief. "Like how could yo

to smile and when Nora eventually did smile again she adjusted a

was paying attention. Sara's eyes were firmly fixed on hers so she conti

if it was the same person. "Wait! Which Michael?" Sara asked

s she said his name,

es widene

e asked in

say anything but her eyes were doing the talking and when she finally got ready to talk she as

because of his reputation, he didn't want a

e 'anyone'," Sara ask

not what I mean

then?" Sara aske

care about his reputation." With a frown on her face, she said, "...besides we d

er all of this into her brain. "I am your

voice. "What use is it telling you I was in a relations


ut believe I was one of his toys. I gave him my heart and all he did was smash it against the wall like it was nothing." the uncontrollable tears rolled do

star, a well-known celebrity. Do you think he'd stoop so low to date someone like you not saying there's anything wrong wit

asked. Sara nodded. "So

to do whatever they want with you. You are too soft-hearted, too kind, too loving, too understanding.

st of all hearts but she realized now that being too kind also has its disadva

n easy on her and to say the truth, I can tell that she misses and wants you

I understand a

a thing?." Sara asked. "I swear if I catch

w when she entered the room. He was the only guy left in the room before

??" Sar

an recognize him but I have no

having someone ready to fight for you any day, who believes and trusts you even when the whole world doesn

filled with stories, now it needs something else. How about we go grab l

ay from Nora but Nora held it tight whining she doesn't want to leave. "I don't want to go anywher

downstairs waiting for you." Sara said as she left th

hing; just lie down in bed and die in silence but she was glad she has a friend who pushes her to the limit. Sara was one of a kind and if s

her some of the experiences he had with ladies, how many hearts he has broken, and how many ladies he had had sex with but when the accident happened there was no one t

ind that person somed

's because I deserv

ay a thing like

useless...this condition I am in is too small for

e ask you.." Andrew came closer to Sara and said, "...if in this state I


brother, if I come to you in this state,

the state he is in right now she wouldn't jus

if he knew exactly what

ved as they both bade Andrew goodbye. Sara wouldn't deny,



Chapter 1 Anniversary Chapter 2 Best friend or Boyfriend Chapter 3 Order Gone Wrong Chapter 4 Drinking Gone Wrong Chapter 5 Michael's Evil Plan Chapter 6 Caught on Tape Chapter 7 Nora Loses Her Job Chapter 8 Michael Breaks Up With Nora Chapter 9 Bestfriend's Power Chapter 10 Nora Meets Her Suspect Chapter 11 Nora Moves On
Chapter 12 Job Hunt Gone Bad
Chapter 13 Diego
Chapter 14 Nora's Knight In Shinning Armour
Chapter 15 Nora Is Michelle
Chapter 16 Diego Needs A Partner
Chapter 17 Nora Accepts The Proposal
Chapter 18 Diego Gets A kiss
Chapter 19 Is It Just A Game Or Could This Be Love
Chapter 20 Michael's Plan
Chapter 21 Nora Meets Her Boss
Chapter 22 Kelvin Was Shocked To See Nora
Chapter 23 Kelvin's Friendship With Michael At Stake
Chapter 24 Michael Becomes A Model At Kelvin's Company
Chapter 25 Kelvin Wants Michael Out Of The Company
Chapter 26 Michael Plans To Get Nora Back
Chapter 27 Kelvin kissed Nora
Chapter 28 Kelvin Is In Love With Nora
Chapter 29 Nora Talks To Diego
Chapter 30 Nora Is Kidnapped
Chapter 31 Michael Receives His Surprise Package
Chapter 32 Michael Rapes Nora
Chapter 33 Michael's True Identity
Chapter 34 Michael Plans To Run Away
Chapter 35 Who Is Michael To You
Chapter 36 Michael In Hawaii
Chapter 37 Andrew Is Dead
Chapter 38 Michael's First And Only picture With Nora
Chapter 39 Kelvin Tells The Truth
Chapter 40 Michael Confesses To Eleanora
Chapter 41 Nora Was Rude To Sara
Chapter 42 Michael Is On The Wanted List
Chapter 43 Austin Gives A Surprise Visit To Sara
Chapter 44 Sara and Nora Reunite Once Again
Chapter 45 Nora Is Pregnant
Chapter 46 Nora Almost Killed Herself
Chapter 47 Michael Want Nora Back
Chapter 48 Kelvin Plans To Propose To Nora
Chapter 49 Nora Rejected Kelvin's Proposal
Chapter 50 Michael Pleads For A Second Chance
Chapter 51 Michael Gets Arrested
Chapter 52 Nora Defends Michael
Chapter 53 Nora Decides To Give Michael A Second Chance
Chapter 54 Nora Requests For Michael's Release
Chapter 55 The Reconciliation
Chapter 56 Heartbroken Kelvin
Chapter 57 Kelvin Saves Sara
Chapter 58 Sara Agrees To Be Kelvin's Girlfriend
Chapter 59 Nora And Michael Visited Andrew's Grave
Chapter 60 Shopping For The New Baby
Chapter 61 Diego Returns With His Girlfriend
Chapter 62 Austin Returns
Chapter 63 Austin Forcefully Tries To Kiss Sara
Chapter 64 Michael Proposed To Nora
Chapter 65 Epilogue
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