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The Alpha’s Mistake

The Alpha’s Mistake

Author: Aee’s
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Chapter 1 PROLOGUE

Word Count: 476    |    Released on: 29/09/2022

nk they are safe in the modern world of technology and weapons. safe from all the ancient

s they moved to live in between humans for one reason or the other. most of them hid their identity and even mate

cold but soon enough an umbrella was visible everywhere as the rain began to pour

re in whatever situations she was presently in. Her neatly arranged and flowered-looking hair an hour ago

slowly walked under the rain, not minding the number of stares she got from people. Her life was nothing and shatt

ut looking at the car or person, she pulle

can't mam, it's like an hour's journey and t

give it to you in exchange for driving me there," she said,

t," he m

lt sad, pained, devastated, and depressed. What more to life

done, it was left with a little drizzle, she walked towards the beach, the b

he muttered striding into the big stream. She stridden deeper until she

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