img Betrothed To The Mafia Lord  /  Chapter 5 No.5 | 0.97%
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Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1383    |    Released on: 27/09/2022


My veil and tiara had been taken away from me by the designer the moment we arrived at the reception hall, leaving my shoulders and upper back completely bare.

oday as we moved from side to side. He moved his hand over my waist ever so lightly and I puffed out a flustered breath and ducked my

arms. I glanced back up almost instantly, locking eyes with him again. His grey eyes bored int

ptily. I wanted to duck my head in embarrassment but couldn’t find the power to b

ep breath. I was super glad he didn’t ask me to raise my head up again.

I prayed and wished he’d be ugly looking up close with a mouth and body odor so as to give me more reasons to hate him. I de

ng his face and neck, a nicely curved nose, a light trimmed and neat looking bear

y people were watching us dancing and I didn’t miss the way some of the

of cluel

it wasn’t like I wanted to get

t looking forward


sband on the wedding night this way two days ago. I felt like a sacrificial animal getting all cleaned up in preparation for the sacrifice. My heart was beating fast and my pulse was running faster than my hear

king quietly to someone on the phone, he was only in a black pants and I blinked a few times as my eyes landed on his naked, toned chest and skitt

ended the call and placed the phone on the bed side table, I glanced at the bedside table and felt

n some in his office as well on some occasions. But never have I been thi

e my body and shoots m

t i

thout wasting any time to avoid him from getting mad at me. He wrapped his large hand around my wrist and tugged me down on the bed

r due to how nervous I was feeling. I broke eye contact and stared down at my

my robe and underwear off if I hesitated on taking them off myself? Was he going to kiss me again t

feeling behind and I didn’t know if I

at I had lost count due to the amounts of things on my mind and each time he stared into my eye

mmering hard against my chest. I felt soft lips faintly ghost again

y, I tried to duck my head unconsciously but his sudden grip on my jaw prevented that. I was covered with my robe but that did

He murmured against my cheek and I puffed out a s


mained quiet and tried not to close my ey

wn my neck, warm breath hitting my skin as each word left his mo

ss on the spot beneath my ear and I puffed out another tiny br

ear as the next words left his lips and an unintelligible sound sl

as hap



Chapter 1 No.1 Chapter 2 No.2 Chapter 3 No.3 Chapter 4 No.4 Chapter 5 No.5 Chapter 6 No.6
Chapter 7 No.7
Chapter 8 No.8
Chapter 9 No.9
Chapter 10 No.10
Chapter 11 No.11
Chapter 12 No.12
Chapter 13 No.13
Chapter 14 No.14
Chapter 15 No.15
Chapter 16 No.16
Chapter 17 No.17
Chapter 18 No.18
Chapter 19 No.19
Chapter 20 No.20
Chapter 21 No.21
Chapter 22 No.22
Chapter 23 No.23
Chapter 24 No.24
Chapter 25 No.25
Chapter 26 No.26
Chapter 27 No.27
Chapter 28 No.28
Chapter 29 No.29
Chapter 30 No.30
Chapter 31 No.31
Chapter 32 No.32
Chapter 33 No.33
Chapter 34 No.34
Chapter 35 No.35
Chapter 36 No.36
Chapter 37 No.37
Chapter 38 No.38
Chapter 39 No.39
Chapter 40 No.40
Chapter 41 No.41
Chapter 42 No.42
Chapter 43 No.43
Chapter 44 No.44
Chapter 45 No.45
Chapter 46 No.46
Chapter 47 No.47
Chapter 48 No.48
Chapter 49 No.49
Chapter 50 No.50
Chapter 51 No.51
Chapter 52 No.52
Chapter 53 No.53
Chapter 54 No.54
Chapter 55 No.55
Chapter 56 No.56
Chapter 57 No.57
Chapter 58 No.58
Chapter 59 No.59
Chapter 60 No.60
Chapter 61 No.61
Chapter 62 No.62
Chapter 63 No.63
Chapter 64 No.64
Chapter 65 No.65
Chapter 66 No.66
Chapter 67 No.67
Chapter 68 No.68
Chapter 69 No.69
Chapter 70 No.70
Chapter 71 No.71
Chapter 72 No.72
Chapter 73 No.73
Chapter 74 No.74
Chapter 75 No.75
Chapter 76 No.76
Chapter 77 No.77
Chapter 78 No.78
Chapter 79 No.79
Chapter 80 No.80
Chapter 81 No.81
Chapter 82 No.82
Chapter 83 No.83
Chapter 84 No.84
Chapter 85 No.85
Chapter 86 No.86
Chapter 87 No.87
Chapter 88 No.88
Chapter 89 No.89
Chapter 90 No.90
Chapter 91 No.91
Chapter 92 No.92
Chapter 93 No.93
Chapter 94 No.94
Chapter 95 No.95
Chapter 96 No.96
Chapter 97 No.97
Chapter 98 No.98
Chapter 99 No.99
Chapter 100 No.100
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