img Cater To You ~Life with a Billionaire  /  Chapter 3 Can we Keep It Professional | 60.00%
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Chapter 3 Can we Keep It Professional

Word Count: 1175    |    Released on: 01/10/2022


seat, refusing to open his eyes, his chest rising and falling heavily from the pressure change within the de

ens his eyes. The plane had landed at Chicago airport. Shane unsnapped his seatbelt and readied himself to deplane. Subdued, h

new he had written down information about the person from Legacy Entertainment Co. who was supp

He glances back down at his papers and then closes his leather folder. He made his way dow

it—uttering quietly, "According to my notes. I thought she was supposed to be a he

When a pair of almond-shaped eyes glance at him from behind the

I would have expected it to be, and

representative from Legac

ty handsome. Slender built, but what riveted my attention was his deeply tanned skin, which contrasted with his startling close-cu

o, I'm Shane Baxter." Smiling with th

Wait, there must be some mistake.

, this man was far too young and attractive to be 65. A

be the owner of my own busi

en. My notes said, first of all, your name is Mr. Kim,

Let me see that inform

sive expression didn't appear to be a peeping tom. Unfortunately, his face didn't lend itself to softening his firm mouth or the soft lines around his eyes, which means that my senses are being accosted by the w

. He had on expertly tailored, doubled-pleated, dark khaki-colored slacks that hung from his slim waist to the tops of

CEO. Hi, my name is Kim Shane Baxter. I'm slightly disappointed in your re

s hand, though she was baffled. While thinking this isn't the man Mr. Legacy will be expecti

don't know If I should shake your hand, you don't seem to be sur

y side. "Are you Mr. Kim

ther, is from Asia, and my mother's

to pick up from the airport," I sai

lmond-shaped eyes and extended his hand. He waited for her to take hold of his hand, an

was a little confused too. I expected someone different, not that I'm saying anything is wrong with having a

the record, we both thought we would see someone different." I repl

ing, "So where do

me, pl

road shoulders through his shirt. They were stunning! I watched as he folded his coat carefully, laying it over his suitca

hat you do for a liv

to be welcoming, warm, and friendly. But I end up stati

ne more question."

my eyes from rolling

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