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Chapter 5 Stamina(2)

Word Count: 1890    |    Released on: 20/09/2022

ot get any food for the entire week, nobody cared where he was as long as he served his sentence. He passed by a

ables had different sections. There was a section for horses, sheep, goats and pigs. Most of the times he's always sleeping

n the cave in Maza forest, he was still mentally and physically tired. He closed h

but, I felt a sense of familiarity from that woman. Well, that power was insane indeed.

emains so silent. This is no different from the treatment I receive from the servants that can do nothing even if they want to. This makes

have to get away from here and try to forge my own path in life. But that will have to wait t

find a way to survive the night though. At least I got good food. All I need is

f from the cold at night. Simon who was observing him from a far sighed and waved his hand. Several thin lay

at I've failed in that too. The siyuation in the family is getting worse as days move on. If Alex doesn’t get out of here sooner or later, then his life is surely going to be troub


is training for the day." Alex stood up and pushed aside the hay that was on top on him. He clear

tely fell down. He was feeling immense pain as he tried moving. His legs, the ones

he was forced to go down. It was only after several attempts that he finally managed to get back to his feet. He then began walking around unti

hey just hoped that the boy would manage to reach adulthood and be capable of depending on himself. They liked him the most b

rogant half-siblings. This was something that made them have a favorite impression

forty minutes, he finally arrived at the edge of the forest and decided to do some more stretches to ease the ten

e same cave and fed him a recovery portion before leaving him a backpack as usual. He just hoped that Alex would be able to endure this


was indeed a great improvement when you take into account the way the forest drained his energy. Currently, his

martial monsters that had boosted his physiqu

Although life was somehow better, that didn't mean that problems ended. He was still

ntiful enough to allow him to do all his training the following day even after consuming

, you'll have to lift the log over there and go for ten laps. Make sure not to put your hands down until you are done

at he'd gotten used to in the previous three weeks. At first, things were just normal but when he continued going round, things began b

until he went back to struggling. Throughout this time, Alex experienced what it meant to train. This was basic

as he continued progressing. He always dipped himself in the same river where he usually took a shower. Every day, he kept breaking the

the one putting them on would always feel like he or she's carrying around 20 kg. This will always increase as one's str

mprove his overall body fitness. As such, even when his stamina and endurance inc

such a way that he didn't look like a slim boy like before. Thanks to the meat that he always received

t one week break before we continue to another type of training. So

tten used to the training in that, whatever was happening back at home no longer affected him that much. Now

where you'll be training. I'll talk with your father so you can g

ssed by Alex's performance. He hoped that he'll continue the same way till the conclusion of the training. "Well, time to get to thi


point guys. let's continue sup

el editing is



Chapter 1 Synopsis and Prologue Chapter 2 Alex Chapter 3 You Have to Train Chapter 4 Training Starts~Stamina Chapter 5 Stamina(2) Chapter 6 Moving Out for Training Chapter 7 Kravon Town Chapter 8 Physical Training Chapter 9 Training Techniques and Dungeons Chapter 10 First Hunt, Rank 1 Monster Chapter 11 Back Home
Chapter 12 Moving Out Solo
Chapter 13 Bandits
Chapter 14 Awakening
Chapter 15 Back in Town
Chapter 16 Joining the Guild
Chapter 17 Time to Hustle
Chapter 18 System Awakening Skill
Chapter 19 Awakening
Chapter 20 Sameer
Chapter 21 Tamix
Chapter 22 Ruth and Sath
Chapter 23 Golden System
Chapter 24 Using the System
Chapter 25 Tower of Origin
Chapter 26 Dungeon Drops
Chapter 27 Inside Tower of Origin
Chapter 28 Starter Pack
Chapter 29 First Mission Reward
Chapter 30 System Store
Chapter 31 Insane Increase in Power
Chapter 32 Trouble Begins
Chapter 33 In the Tower Again
Chapter 34 Sequential Breakthroughs
Chapter 35 Second Floor
Chapter 36 Swirling Wind
Chapter 37 Glimpse of Intent
Chapter 38 Using Sword Intent
Chapter 39 Four Days in the Tower
Chapter 40 Woolly Mammoth
Chapter 41 Rank 2 Mage
Chapter 42 Soul Weapon
Chapter 43 Full Bond
Chapter 44 Transformed Infringer
Chapter 45 The Might of Infringer
Chapter 46 Testing all Abilities
Chapter 47 Caracal
Chapter 48 Ranking Up
Chapter 49 Rank 3 Warrior
Chapter 50 Dual Rank 3
Chapter 51 Knowledge Tab
Chapter 52 Day 2
Chapter 53 Basics of a Warrior
Chapter 54 Becoming a Warrior
Chapter 55 Fully Fledged Novice Warrior
Chapter 56 Consecutive Purchases
Chapter 57 Basics of a Mage
Chapter 58 Final Day in the Tower
Chapter 59 First Step Towards Revenge
Chapter 60 Gains From the Tower
Chapter 61 An Upgrade
Chapter 62 Kravon Dungeons
Chapter 63 Goblins Hub
Chapter 64 Looting Looters
Chapter 65 Obliterating Rank 2 Goblins
Chapter 66 Inner Region
Chapter 67 Sweeping the Goblins Village
Chapter 68 Carol
Chapter 69 Peak Rank 3 Saber-Toothed Tiger
Chapter 70 Border to the Core Region
Chapter 71 Instant Power Up
Chapter 72 Iron Fists Group
Chapter 73 Crushing Iron Fists With Fists
Chapter 74 Rank 4 Mantis (1)
Chapter 75 Rank 4 Mantis (2)
Chapter 76 Leaving the dungeon
Chapter 77 Becoming Rich
Chapter 78 Inner World
Chapter 79 Essence Gathering and Purifying Formation
Chapter 80 Fast Progress
Chapter 81 Abnormality
Chapter 82 Mage Rank Up
Chapter 83 Spiritual Essence
Chapter 84 Essence Purification
Chapter 85 Rank 4
Chapter 86 Celestial Sword Style
Chapter 87 Out of the Inner World
Chapter 88 Jane's Speciality
Chapter 89 Consequences
Chapter 90 Viridescent Eagle
Chapter 91 Unsealing the Seals
Chapter 92 Breezing the Core Region
Chapter 93 Goblins Fortress
Chapter 94 Rank 5 Hobgoblin
Chapter 95 Romani Kingdom Spies
Chapter 96 Secret Mission
Chapter 97 Romani Kingdom's Plans
Chapter 98 Dungeon Break
Chapter 99 Taking Over the Dungeon
Chapter 100 Dungeon Panel
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