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Chapter 2 1

Word Count: 2116    |    Released on: 12/09/2022


the pumping music…the slutty advances…i


is sexual escapades with so much enthusiasm, you might believe it was what he knew best. As usual, his eyes weren’t focused on mine, bu

en pretend to be dece

moved away. “Sorry to offend you but I’

“Fine. No problem. I

ice as I moved away into the crowd of dancing bodies at a corner. The

nds to be sober tonight with me so we could both help the others who

. This came into play whenever the group was threatened with two opposing decisions that had to be addressed. I and Fiona kicked against coming here, while Cora, Abigail, and Vera were all for it, so it came do

uch difference to her? She’d been climbing dicks since her high sc

bout themselves when they’re with a woman. It helps their ego to se

as soon as I’m done with the restroom.” I made to brush past

le! You can’t just give up like that. There are lots of men here to

y type of man won’t be found h

come here? Look, the girls and I just want you to have fun.

ng it for the right guy.” I shook

for the right girl? Do you think there’s a man in this place who’s a virgin

be damned letting her know that. “Alright. One more h

me lightly on the cheek,

-Interested, he was sitting on a brown leather couch, nursing what had to be

ut still keeping a reasonable distance between us in case he

'my husband’, and I’d never seen a

just blurted out, so I stood up abruptly and grabbed the next man harmlessly passing

hut. Tentatively, I glanced up at him through my lashes. His gorgeous blue eyes crinkled down at me in question. My cheeks fl

uldn’t blame him at all if he whipped my arm away and sauntered back into the crow

” then he turned his gaze at me, saying in a sarcastic voice. “Darling, what

g the dark stubble there. Mr. Hotshot looked as though he was about to shit his pants any moment now, his face growing paler a

nd lifting his hands in surrender. “I didn’t know she was married. I gues

s locked and I saw the realization dawn on his. There

hing, the creep bursts

is hands tightened around my waist as he

both of us, but more at me. “I guess I was right about you jumping into the arms of an

my wife a slut else you’d li

oody liar. Drop

contest before Mr. Blue Eyes smirked and leaned over, grabbing the back of my head before pulling me towards h

y c

ed to my butt and he squeezed a cheek in his hand

ordered! Where’s

rushed to my face and I looked away, dazed. He tasted like honey. Sugary honey, an


e through the crowd, not without a last warning. “Go

if I’d just won the lottery. It’s just a random kiss with a stranger, you stupid girls! I wanted to howl. What should I do? Pull out of his grip? But

never tired of be

searched my face as my husband boomed. “Guys, I’d like you to meet the newest couple in town. Congrats to me and this

nd me. Oh, how badly I wanted to rip their lau

ngs. “Apologies on our brother’s behalf. He

are the same, I m

beard and hazel eyes asked me, his gaze unsettling.

said. I flicked my eyes at him in grati

her guy chuckled and m

ll her that.

e Eyes led me outside, to the balcony. We watched the stars briefly togethe

arm. “Stop b

“Now I see why that bastard was so adamant about letting

elf-control is not a thing

rd, beli

me from, at the six men he was friends with. They were all handsome…and cultured, every responsible w

e buzzed beside me.


you here, you were sa

h how beautiful the sky looked from out there. It was such a sight,

y fingers. You owe me, Cherry Blossom. And tonig

eaty and naked behind me, sliding his cock in. I shudde

b then? Those bright red lips of yours will look

think so.” I

and pulled out a five hundred dollar bill. I gasped at the larg

aking a deep breath in a bid to regain my bearings. And t

llar bill in front of my eyes.

from his hand. “I will bet five hundred dollars on not

g a sexy brow. “C

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