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Chapter 7 Introduction of Scarlett

Word Count: 1254    |    Released on: 01/08/2022

al. It was her last wish…. to donate her organs to the less privileged. Just like she wanted Stephanie'

e was still living, his Stephanie was still living in eleven different peopl

rveillance team. We have left no clue to the cops that we were the one who killed G

harging Stephanie's last wish the whole house felt like a ghost's bunglow. The jingling of her bangles was heard everywhere. Earlier his abode was only

mson red cheeks was a sight to see. There is nobody born or will be in future to replace that sight in his life. Those innocuous green eyes shone bright whenever he loo

isk. To what I could note is, the lady is completely shaken from the massacre. As long as she doesn't go insan

ng beyond control and was mourning for his mistress. He understands, hi

usband which many of his business partners envied and added to it Stephanie was very kind hearted and benevolent. The wives of CEOs a

here. I have also called Elliot who investigated the whole place along with his team for any chance of second clues and we have confirmed none

ion of alcohol but still reached the bottle. However this time

oday. You should go to bed now." Carson

listen. It is not the other way around. Understand?" He admonished

an. Luke did not say anything. But took t

altered on his steps. He was about to fall but the chief



hoes echoed on the clean sparkling cream colored tiles. Scarlett Taylor

t challenging places which said a transfer in almost every six

e could make the most senior officers jealous

e of her postings. The rewards stuck to the left side of her coat just below the emblem of

ached the room of the Chief of Staff giving a firm sal

a seat." The gray haired chief sho

it and the nation. That is why you always get challenging postings even compared to the officers who are much

. Scarlett started reading the details of her next case. As she processed the information, her c

gers and studying her. "Scarlett, this case is much more serious and very dangerous, nowhere comparable to the cases you have dealt

circumstances. It was the apt opportunity for your competitors to poke a finger at you. With a lot of effort usin

on the glass work desk and leaned forwa

ll as dangerous and she simply loved such sorts of cases. Scarlett forced her eyes

s in excitement. "Investigation on Carson Campbell, the mos



Chapter 1 Prologue Chapter 2 Introduction Chapter 3 Meet Carson Chapter 4 The congress Chapter 5 Stephanie's death Chapter 6 The Revenge Chapter 7 Introduction of Scarlett Chapter 8 Scarlett entering her role as Cara Chapter 9 The dinner of Scarlett with her parents Chapter 10 The stranger
Chapter 11 The beginning of attraction and the second meet
Chapter 12 Scarlett in Carson's home
Chapter 13 Tip to Cara
Chapter 14 Scarlett's attempt to arrest
Chapter 15 Scarlett's escape from Carson
Chapter 16 Scarlett teaching lesson
Chapter 17 Scarlett's plan of entry into Carson's house
Chapter 18 A trap
Chapter 19 Carson's plan
Chapter 20 Spy
Chapter 21 The onset of romance
Chapter 22 Cara's resignation
Chapter 23 The nonchalance of Carson
Chapter 24 The introduction of paradise
Chapter 25 The incident
Chapter 26 Cara's escape plan
Chapter 27 Scarlett's dilemma
Chapter 28 Sejal's problem
Chapter 29 The growing intimacy
Chapter 30 Sejal's pregnancy
Chapter 31 Scarlett's investigation
Chapter 32 Carson's investigation
Chapter 33 Elliott's investigation
Chapter 34 The mysterious villain
Chapter 35 Sejal's decision to marry Phillip
Chapter 37 Carson's proposal
Chapter 38 The dinner
Chapter 39 The appetite of sex
Chapter 40 Sex class of Carson
Chapter 41 Carson's family
Chapter 42 The dinner and friction
Chapter 43 Scarlett's office entry
Chapter 44 Stanley outburst
Chapter 45 Scarlett's missing evidence
Chapter 46 The threat
Chapter 47 Sejal's engagement
Chapter 48 The enemy plot
Chapter 49 Elliot's revelation
Chapter 50 Elliott's revelation - part 2
Chapter 51 The truth exposed
Chapter 52 Scarlett's fear
Chapter 53 The truth revealed to Carson
Chapter 54 Carson's arrest
Chapter 55 Scarlett's pregnancy
Chapter 56 The meeting of love birds
Chapter 57 The enemy's plot
Chapter 58 Expose of Phillips
Chapter 59 Sejal's worst slap to Carson
Chapter 60 Carson - the seraph humanity
Chapter 61 Scarlett's resignation
Chapter 62 Carson's charity
Chapter 63 An attempt to murder
Chapter 64 True color of Phillip
Chapter 65 The fight of Carson and Scarlett
Chapter 66 Scarlett's unfruitful escape
Chapter 67 Scarlett's mischief
Chapter 68 The patch-up
Chapter 69 The accident
Chapter 70 The lady devil
Chapter 71 The bad news
Chapter 72 The suicide attempt
Chapter 73 The Wedding
Chapter 74 Revelation of the she villain
Chapter 75 Phillip true color exposed
Chapter 76 Stanley's kidnap
Chapter 77 The attempt of NIA to catch the culprit
Chapter 78 The pleasurable night
Chapter 79 Kyra's true self
Chapter 80 The death call
Chapter 81 Kyra's escape
Chapter 82 Hot sex
Chapter 83 Revelation of the truth
Chapter 84 Sejal's delivery
Chapter 85 Carson's disease
Chapter 86 Carson's preparation
Chapter 87 Scarlett steps into business
Chapter 88 Scarlett's nonchalance
Chapter 89 Scarlett's boyfriend
Chapter 90 The attraction
Chapter 91 The harsh truth
Chapter 92 The unwelcoming revelation
Chapter 93 The attack
Chapter 94 Carson's surgery
Chapter 95 Scarlett's home return
Chapter 96 The new job
Chapter 97 The arrival of the prostitute
Chapter 98 Carson's plan
Chapter 99 The heartbreaking confession
Chapter 100 Scarlett's drunk and dare
Chapter 101 Carson's rescue
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