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Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1702    |    Released on: 03/08/2022




shed this call would be calling off the wedding then we could both live our merry lives. But as I stared

a pretty bang-up job keeping me in this horrible mansion since our

ther, Cas did all the public appearances since he was the expert in cryptography—he was the face o

. I was curious to look for him online, b

neaking out through the window. My friend, Zhuri was waiting outsid

bled out, and my face was bruised—even a thick foundation couldn’t conceal. Then J

of them would hit me to teach me lessons, which I learned something—to be tou

my family, I was a waste of their breaths. My family was known to be patriarchal. When my mother followed her passion,

way from the tyranny of my father if not arranged to someone else, even of their choice. My father never b

ass A douch

ve million dollars, my father did not think twice but seal the deal. Ye

like his pet dog. He never showed up during our supposed to be engagement party. His brother gave me a massive yellow diamond ring, which, if I may g

after all.” My brother’s upper lip

money, which I know it’s gone to the thin air by now,” I taunted h

nd without you in it. While you, on the other hand, are tied up in his basemen

cold-blooded cruel, and to him, everything was a business deal. He was know

ink you’re held against your will? Well, wait until your wedding day. You’ll see what kind of demon he is or what demons he possessed. And

about. His name alone sent a shiver into my bones. My asshole of a father still believed in the old-fashion way, especially when it involved power and wealth. And if h

perty anymore, reme

, one of his men, to double lock

or you. I will just sleep for two days until

e to disturb me. I had no appetite to eat, and sure

homeless was much better than a daughter of a tyrant like my

oom. When I turned in bed, he w

on’t think my future husband would apprec

eciate your father and your bro

n deep thoughts. “Do tell.

e patienc

hed. “Until

f is a go

s all to them anyway. I bet no one would buy me for more than twenty-five million, so it’s his loss. My famil

Sadie. They want money from Mr. Wollf, yes, and that’s all, but why would M

sking mys

er.” He turned towards the door a

anged o

ge. You just di

n’t want you to g

u only have two

tical. Honestly, I had never spent a minute talking to Devin, let alone conspire with him w

e from his suit jacket

im suspi

before he

e icon. I started typing. I memorized his number, just in case my

ere. Just don’t lock me up in your basement

as sent successfully, I deleted


phone into the pocket, that


low, and nod with yes, sir

ffering his phone. “He

“No.” I swallowed hard. “I

ouble if you ke

s if it turned into a s

he’s a b

shaking as I took

ear before I cleare

as deep, husky, and calm, w

id you ask?

make sure yo

e gonna lock me up in y

eon. Where’s the pho

lf.” I blew a breath. Finally, I talked freely, and it was a relief that the scary bea

someone or me, use Reece’s phone. J


you to try e

w? After almost three years?”?Asshole

ant to get



Chapter 1 No.1 Chapter 2 No.2 Chapter 3 No.3 Chapter 4 No.4 Chapter 5 No.5 Chapter 6 No.6 Chapter 7 No.7
Chapter 8 No.8
Chapter 9 No.9
Chapter 10 No.10
Chapter 11 No.11
Chapter 12 No.12
Chapter 13 No.13
Chapter 14 No.14
Chapter 15 No.15
Chapter 16 No.16
Chapter 17 No.17
Chapter 18 No.18
Chapter 19 No.19
Chapter 20 No.20
Chapter 21 No.21
Chapter 22 No.22
Chapter 23 No.23
Chapter 24 No.24
Chapter 25 No.25
Chapter 26 No.26
Chapter 27 No.27
Chapter 28 No.28
Chapter 29 No.29
Chapter 30 No.30
Chapter 31 No.31
Chapter 32 No.32
Chapter 33 No.33
Chapter 34 No.34
Chapter 35 No.35
Chapter 36 No.36
Chapter 37 No.37
Chapter 38 No.38
Chapter 39 No.39
Chapter 40 No.40
Chapter 41 No.41
Chapter 42 No.42
Chapter 43 No.43
Chapter 44 No.44
Chapter 45 No.45
Chapter 46 No.46
Chapter 47 No.47
Chapter 48 No.48
Chapter 49 No.49
Chapter 50 No.50
Chapter 51 No.51
Chapter 52 No.52
Chapter 53 No.53
Chapter 54 No.54
Chapter 55 No.55
Chapter 56 No.56
Chapter 57 No.57
Chapter 58 No.58
Chapter 59 No.59
Chapter 60 No.60
Chapter 61 No.61
Chapter 62 No.62
Chapter 63 No.63
Chapter 64 No.64
Chapter 65 No.65
Chapter 66 No.66
Chapter 67 No.67
Chapter 68 No.68
Chapter 69 No.69
Chapter 70 No.70
Chapter 71 Epilogue
Chapter 72 No.72
Chapter 73 No.73
Chapter 74 No.74
Chapter 75 No.75
Chapter 76 No.76
Chapter 77 No.77
Chapter 78 No.78
Chapter 79 No.79
Chapter 80 No.80
Chapter 81 No.81
Chapter 82 No.82
Chapter 83 No.83
Chapter 84 No.84
Chapter 85 No.85
Chapter 86 No.86
Chapter 87 No.87
Chapter 88 No.88
Chapter 89 No.89
Chapter 90 No.90
Chapter 91 No.91
Chapter 92 No.92
Chapter 93 No.93
Chapter 94 No.94
Chapter 95 No.95
Chapter 96 No.96
Chapter 97 No.97
Chapter 98 No.98
Chapter 99 No.99
Chapter 100 No.100
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