img Pentals Back In Time  /  Chapter 5 Visiting ex-husband | 50.00%
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Chapter 5 Visiting ex-husband

Word Count: 1010    |    Released on: 27/07/2022

d his sim and phone at the scene, will try to recover the phone

elping me invest

ue talking, she interrupted the cal

rned the red of sunset, but the game between


sed her legs, leisurely looked at the d

in absolute silence. Oh well, just not quit

al business deals, recordings, calls, phone numbers... are all in here. Taking advantage of the company's difficult situati

st want to explode for a more comfortable mood. With his fiery per

after being satisfied, if not stopped

come and take him away. The fact that he went out was not really leaving or running away, b

arched for the sim card. Just contact the manufacturer of this sim, the entire call record


rned off the phone and went upstairs to chang


p in a corner, growing uneasiness spreading through him.

meone is

uncement and took him out. Facing the sunlight made Mo

Co became visibly wrinkled. Dark

osite him, her face extremely amused wi

ed to hold the hands that wer

rs I have realized that I cannot live

y spend the rest of his life treating her

, in this world t

son who killed my chi

unformed child. If you wan

Just an unformed baby"? Is

ere will also be wretched people like this Mo Co. My own so

Vy and Diep Si Nhan, who do you think

trick me, saying it w

lent. Why… she knew about this. No, if you

idiot for you to take advantage of. I will

matter how he shoute

the chief. She asked softly, but everyone

't too dark but is a bit quiet. Every day, take


lowers do you


and went straight to the grave of

h the name "Elwyn Holland" printed on it, th

? And I really miss you

k her tears anymore, hot tears kep

e beautiful girl cried a lot in front of a tomb.

t off, the more it oozed out

ne, shall I go find yo

as if to gently stroke her hair. She smiled peacefully,

ssed by, but it just flew around her, instead of t

now, is forever loving that person

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