img Paradise Island  /  Chapter 4 STRANGER | 6.45%
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Chapter 4 STRANGER

Word Count: 1718    |    Released on: 14/07/2022

people and a live band singing on the stage while oth

they looked for an empty tabl

food and drinks. I hope you all chok

wuah, sup. Hahahahaha" Simult

re dancing after the session later." Rigor said with the

ing over a bottle of the red horse. They all sat at a table with a ca

the other and they were getting

red, while Marvin, Jonathan, and Jhun Mar

ing. Everyone's eyes were burning as they watched t

d his colleagues. She was already feeling

, and Jonathan followed. Alejandro and Marielle looked at

dance?" Alexan

were left in the chair, obviously not getting along well in how they would pay attention and talk. Every time their eyes m

izzy? ” Marvin asked still una

ak answer of the girl who lo

changed it was repl

yesterday, we were

turned to the so

nd sang their theme song Be

tood up and held out


andsome young man in front of her. He swallowed, not k

he exc

shoulders while he held her waist even though there was a little distance between Dianne and Ma

anne's heart, a smile as if they hadn't seen eac

t. It was the reason why Marielle woke up in the little dream, once again her nervousness returned with a thrill and pleasure tha

want yo

and closer… .tigth

nna fee

a feel yo

up (3x)

intoxicated with wine. Any endearment was partially cut off and Marvin, Dianne, Marielle, and Alejandro were busy with their three American tourists who soon found o

. She is on the other side of the dance floor and th

in front of him. A tall, brunette woman wearing a floral cocktail dress and grinding

in front of him. The woman looked at him, Jonathan staring intently across it, with beautiful black eyes, a sharp nose, black and

a tourist here?"

her hair. He felt he had taken on

like he was out of his mind. It was as if h

he woman as if he

,” the woman laughed. She noticed that

welcome to our town and we


on him, and a miracle happened. The woman kissed him. He was thrill

Y. Atendido." The wo

Bustos." He took the girl's

th dance?" Jonathan asked shyly

f cou

one get

n to dance. Jobelle clasped her hands around Jonathan's neck and continued to sway their bodies to the accompaniment of the music. The

e said to himself. He shook his head and focu

t also suddenly wiped out when he realized his brother and frien

introduce you t

rrassing?" Jobell

lding hands, they went to the ta

, and he was shocked to see

to you Jobelle Y. Atendido, s

Dianne seemed to look straight at Jonatha

is a brown Filipina

beautiful." Ma

ween you? Jhun Mark

acquiantance …… ..

almost midnight so they might be looking for m

for you to go home alone at midnight like are sti

It's ok if you two go ahead.

ing yourself feel dork.

ht, thank you." Jo

ou to your house

kay." Jobe

them turned sl

o talk to her brother bu

vering a woman to his own house. Let your sister go first, I think it's only now that I ca

a girlfriend. First and last until graduation but they separated before they could go to college and he hadn't heard of an

the barricades in the distance: Jonathan a

located on the upper part of the terrace

as he twists a goblet in his hand. "Yes !!! but don't worry the percentage of y

be." The m

ain while happily watching in the lower part of the hall the people celebrating the party a

iend!" Mr. A

esponse of hi

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