img Loving my daddies#2  /  Chapter 5 Five: Camping. | 18.52%
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Chapter 5 Five: Camping.

Word Count: 878    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

night. They were introduced to everyone in the pack while my

trip and they agreed. Tomorrow will be so much fun, I've been

i" he says bu

and making sure I could hear him but I didn't

bond, since I'm a puppy and can only send pictur

cob says but I still don

ed off the sofa and my bum

's go" Jacob drag me out of

be any toys with your bath tonight" he

ime. I went willingly with Jacob so he won't embarrass me any

?" he ask wiping my f

I'm a baby" I t

boy and if anyone dares to laugh at you I'

ur energy for tomorrow" he try to

se it. He dried me off in a fluffy towel put a pull up on me followed my PJ. It was

Jacob time while story before bed is Noah and me time.

g them few times. Till they both woke up, we're going camping wohoo. I and wolfie a

g camping?" I a

need to go to work

on't be back till before night time,

have to go for few hours promise" Jacob a

fact I went down to breakfast

says and I ignore

the stool since I'm shorter than ev

ing" Noah says setting my plate in fr

having any of it, I was this close to throwi

an't go camping without a tent and sleeping bag w

n pick other snacks too O

on't be surprised when

cery store where I picked chips and chocolate, t

, they rarely come here except for the woods once every year on their birthday or special occasio

ound it was lunch time. We all agreed to get lunch at the

rk, the ranger was a pack mate so he let us in wit

ked. I only had to carry a small backpack that Noah ha

oint they started working on setting

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