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Chapter 3 Searching.

Word Count: 835    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

r P

d try to find a pet of my own" I say to the king of hell, o

go, most of the demons have messed things up, they weren't able to find a pet, una

g respectfully to him, I'm one of the best

in your absence?" He asks me, of co

e a badass guy, he is one too, but he also has what most of he

you have a plan?" He asks me

th a smile, I did have one, but

one room to get ready for my trip, on my way back, I met with Nova, she never talked to me, she never even looked at me in the eyes, but I always felt the love

llen Keiran, I saw her look at me, for

tarted to ask but her quest

ddy is waiting," he s

t all littles or pets to act the same as her, most of them would be afraid of me, wh

w many ways that could happen and for me to fuck it up, maybe I'm better to

absence, have fun now!" Arlo says, practically pushing me toward the wall, not waiting for me to

tart now either, taking one deep breath, I walked in, opening a portal to the lan

to use the front door, safer that way. I got all my stuff placed away neatly, then I started my search, I was a madman looking for a needle in the pile of hay, but it was my best option. I walked through streets, I went t

t in the morning too, hiding myself as best as I could, the summer season wasn't helping me, but I still did it. Sometimes I'd feel like someone might

oving to other lords territory now, but I had to be sneaky,

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